Cheerloathing is an epic-length erotic novel of betrayal, seduction, and duplicity. As something of a spiritual successor to The Second Place Sister, this story features lots of kink and deep characterization. Enjoy!

Chapter Eleven: Unethical Treatment
Dr. Welcome, Sara always thought, was not the most welcoming of people. He was the fifth therapist Sara had been with in her life. Dr. Welcome was, however, the only therapist she’d had who didn’t think of her problems as problems.
Her previous therapists had shown concern. She had motivations fueled by paranoid tendencies and a deep-seated fear of being rejected, or abandoned. Those fears gave her the false impression that she was under attack from others. Sara had an unhealthy desire for revenge, rooted in her need for validation and acceptance by her peers, leading to her feeling undervalued or not respected.
They told her that she had an unhealthy attraction to older men and abusive relationships. She inwardly craved stability and security. Seeking out those relationships was a result of her feeling powerless and helpless, which led to unhealthy coping mechanisms.
That was all bullshit, and Sara knew it. Dr. Welcome knew it, too. That was why Dr. Welcome was still her therapist. Where those pansy mindfuckers saw “issues,” Dr. Welcome saw strength.
Where they saw negative behaviors, Dr. Welcome assured her that those behaviors were necessary and good for her. Her attraction to older men wasn’t a craving for stability. It was a result of her being more mature and sophisticated than her peers. It was natural that she would seek out those relationships. Her anger “problems” and “desire for revenge” were a result of her assertiveness and strength. She wasn’t afraid to stand up for herself. It was admirable.
Her sexual relationships weren’t unhealthy and abusive. Sara was liberated and adventurous, willing to explore her sexuality without shame or guilt. Overall, her behaviors were not only acceptable but desirable. Dr. Welcome reinforced Sara’s own beliefs, and that was why she found herself on his couch this evening, still wearing her cheer uniform.
“You missed your last appointment,” Dr. Welcome said, crossing his legs and sitting back in his chair.
“There’s a lot going on with school and cheer. And there’s this new girl, Diana. She’s making a move against me for competition.”
“I see. And that’s causing you some distress, I take it?”
“They gave her the front spot! Her! New in town, no friends, and she gets to be the top girl just because she came from some big city. It’s fucking gross,” Sara spat.
“I know I’m not the foremost expert in cheerleading, but isn’t there usually more than one lady in that position?”
“It all depends on the team size and what we’re doing. Shoreside’s team is small, but they’ve always been competitive. Coach put together one main team of four, and that team is the stunt team. The rest of us get relegated to tumbling and dancing. We’ll run two flyers for big finishes, but otherwise, I’m on the fucking floor.”
“And the lead flyer is sort of the face of the team like you were in high school?” Welcome asked.
“Right. It’s fucked. Like, I’m just as good as she is. Probably better at some things. And she’s some dark-haired little pixie. Who puts a chick with black hair on the pyramid? You put a blonde on the pyramid. That’s what people want.”
“I didn’t realize hair color was that much of a concern,” Welcome mused.
“It’s a traditional thing, like that old stereotype of the pretty, blonde, American housewife. Of course, now we have to be inclusive, and even take fat chicks on the team,“ Sara complained.
“I see.”
“Fuck inclusivity!”
“You’re feeling a lot of anger,” Welcome observed.
“No shit?” Sara said.
“And sarcasm,” Welcome added with a slight smile. “We’ve talked about this. That’s not a bad thing, Sara. This is a safe place to let that anger out, where it can cool and you can organize your thoughts. Anger like yours is helpful because it keeps you determined to succeed. But you know that you have a tendency to let it bubble over, which gives people the wrong impression. Right?”
Sara nodded and said, “I know. Smile in the light. Hate in the dark.”
Dr. Welcome nodded as she repeated the mantra he’d given her.
“How are things with your father?” he asked and Sara stiffened.
“Just fine,” she grumbled.
“Hmm. That response doesn’t contain any of your usual cheer pep. Why don’t you tell me what’s going on there?”
“Well, he still hasn’t raped me, if that’s what you mean,” Sara said, folding her arms.
Dr. Welcome smiled at the unconscious need to protect herself.
“You implemented the methods we talked about? The videos?”
“Yeah. He’s jerking off to me a lot and creeping around my room more. He wants to do it, but he’s skittish since the Bethany thing. Still feels guilty over it.”
Welcome nodded again and said, “You’ll have to give him time. Guilt can be a powerful motivator not to betray one’s conscience. The divorce is still fairly recent. If he’s masturbating to fantasies of you daily, he’ll eventually need to take those fantasies further. He’s still struggling with his perception of you as his daughter, someone to be protected and cared for. The more he’s exposed to stimuli that make him view you differently, the more his perception will change.”
“I’m not worried about him. I know he’ll cave in,” Sara said, waving a hand as though to dismiss the conversation. “The only problem that needs attention is that… cunt.”
“What weaknesses does she have?” Dr. Welcome asked.
Sara was quiet as she built her list, in the way that Dr. Welcome had taught her.
“She’s new and she’s lonely. She was some sort of queen bee where she came from, team captain, good at everything. Here, she’s isolated, so she wants to fit in. I’m already working on that. We’re friends and she’s interested in Jason.”
“Good,” Welcome praised her and Sara glowed.
“She has a twin sister, Carrie. She’s a little different, but I get the sense that she’s probably more open sexually. I have some ideas about how to use her to manipulate Diana. Carrie’s going to tutor me in English Lit.”
“Yes, that could make things interesting.”
Sara nodded and said, “I need your help.”
“Two things. First, there’s a mental health exam that’s required to compete in the nationals. We all have to take one. I can have an outside behavioral therapist certify that I’m okay.”
“You are okay,“ he assured her.
“So, you’d do the exam and let them know I’m okay? I don’t want to have some pansy-ass like those other ones telling them I have issues. We both know that’s bullshit.”
“Of course,” Welcome agreed.
“Second, I need some of the pills.”
Welcome sat back in his chair and rubbed his chin.
“What do you intend to do with them?” he asked.
“The same as with Lana. Only, this time I think she could be a candidate.”
Welcome rubbed his chin thoughtfully and asked, “Why do you say that?”
Sara sat up and asked, “How is Liz?”
“You haven’t asked about her for some time. She’s where she needs to be most days. Others, not so much.”
“I think this new girl could be a candidate because she’d be like a blank slate. You want to try your new method, and I want her out of the way. That would clear my slate, wouldn’t it?”
Dr. Welcome’s eyes narrowed behind his glasses. Sara was not a squeamish person, but that look always made her skin crawl. It was the look that revealed the monster behind Welcome’s patient and calm exterior. He was interested.
“I’ll admit that you’ve sent me some promising candidates,” he said. “And you’re right. The new methods do need to be tested. One in particular. As far as your slate? No. You’ll keep doing your part as long as I need to do mine. That’s how our relationship works.”
Sara frowned and said, “Even if it works? If she’s what you want?”
“If she turns out to be a success, we’ll talk about it.”
Sara nodded and said, “Alright. So, the pills?”
Welcome considered for a moment and said, “Alright. I can give you enough for thirty days for one person.”
Sara looked like she might protest and he held up a hand, continuing, “There are regulations around experimental drugs. I can’t do anything about that. That’s the best I can do for now.”
“Alright,” Sara agreed. “Thank you.”
“There will be one more thing,” Welcome added.
“You know what you need to do. It’s an important part of your mental well-being.”
“That isn’t how it works,” Sara said, scowling. “It doesn’t give me what I need.”
“It’s important, Sara. Consensual encounters are part of a well-rounded, healthy, sexual life. If you’re going to keep up your appearance, you know you need to get comfortable with it.”
“If it helps, think of it like coercion. If you want the pills, you have to do it willingly.”
That did make it a little better, Sara thought. If she wanted the pills, which she did, then she’d have to do it. Yes, that was alright. It wasn’t physical force, but it was force nonetheless, her doctor exercising his power over her. It was unethical and immoral. It was pretty hot.
Sara got down on her knees and crawled across the floor to Dr. Welcome. She ran her hands up his legs and rested them on his cock, rubbing it through his trousers.
“Go ahead,” he said.
Sara unzipped his trousers and fished out his cock. It was already hard. She looked up at him.
“Can you, like, at least grab my hair or something?”
“Of course,” Dr. Welcome said.
He slid his hand behind her head and gathered her blond hair in his hand, curling his fingers about it tightly. He guided her mouth to his prick and Sara took it in. He thrust his hips up and jammed his rigid length into her throat, making her moan loudly and jerk her head back in surprise. He held her tight, though, not allowing her to back away. It was just what she needed.
Sara’s lips glided down his cock, coating it in a film of saliva as her doctor held her hair. It wasn’t her preference, having to do it herself, but at least the fact that she had to do it to get what she wanted made it easier. Dr. Welcome encouraged her with his hand in her hair, guiding her movements up and down his penis.
All the while, Sara’s pussy got wetter as she imagined him holding her to his crotch on her downstroke, or simply using her hair to force his length into her throat. Dr. Welcome never did those things, though. He always made her do it herself, which was never as sexy as being force-fucked like a set of wet holes.
When he finally did cum in her mouth, though, he held her face down and forced her to swallow all of it. That, thankfully, was what she needed and she was able to frig herself to an orgasm from it.
Chapter Twelve: Fair Day
Being outdoors, amongst normal people, was always a jarring experience after the confines of the hospital. Lizzy blended in with the normal people on the outside, wearing a pair of jeans and a lovely cotton blouse. The blue bow in her hair made her feel pretty, almost like the dolls she remembered having. Only the dolls weren’t a real memory, she knew. The dolls belonged to someone else, someone who was not Lizzy. And today, she was Lizzy all the way.
With the skill of someone who was accustomed to denying those mixed-up memories, Lizzy put the thought of the dolls out of her mind and held Dr. Marlow’s hand as they stood in line to enter the Shoreside County Fair. Dr. Marlow passed her the tickets just before the woman and child in front of them stepped through the gates. Lizzy liked handing the ticket person the tickets. It felt like a responsibility and, as Lizzy didn’t have much to be responsible for, it had an odd way of making her feel as if she belonged here.
In the real world, where people weren’t crazy and they knew who they were every day, they had responsibilities. Dr. Welcome had told her this more than once, causing Lizzy to wonder if one day she might have other responsibilities. She supposed if she could just be Lizzy all the time, it might be nice to be responsible for things. On Fair Day, like today, she was responsible for something. She was responsible for the tickets.
She clutched them in her hand like the precious things they were, then handed them to the ticket woman with a smile that conveyed her excitement and pride over being entrusted with such a great responsibility. The ticket woman took them, punched them, and stamped their hands with a red smudge in the shape of a smiley face.
“Thank you,” Lizzy said to the woman as she looked at the stamp. “Last year, they were green!”
The woman nodded, smiled, and Dr. Marlow led Lizzy into the fair. The sounds of the calliope music intensified as they joined the swirling crowds of people. It was always a bit daunting at first, stepping inside, to find so many people. The hospital had many people, too, but Lizzy had been there for so long that she knew them all. Seeing people she didn’t recognize was both a wonder and a bit frightening.
All along the walk were carts and booths offering the sweet treats and collectibles that Lizzy looked forward to each year. Here, a red cart offering pretzels with cheese and soda. There, a green cart filled with sticky cotton candy. Down the line they went, seemingly forever.
“Would you like something, honey?” Dr. Marlow asked.
“A pretzel, please,” Lizzy said and the two of them stood in line at the red cart.
While they waited, Lizzy watched the many people. Some of them held hands with one another, while others held hands with children, in the way Dr. Marlow held her hand. Only, Dr. Marlow wasn’t holding her hand because she was a child. He was responsible for her. He didn’t want her to get lost or he’d be in trouble with Dr. Welcome. As Dr. Marlow was one of the kind doctors, she did not want him to be in trouble and stuck close to him.
Dr. Marlow bought her the pretzel—no cheese, thanks—and she bit into it as they walked the grounds. Dr. Marlow took her, first, to the carousel as he knew that it was the only ride that Lizzy would get on. The others were very fast or made her dizzy. When she’d been fourteen, she’d gotten up the courage to try one of those and had spent the rest of the day sick. Now she knew better.
Though it likely was not fun for Dr. Marlow to ride the carousel, he did it with her anyway. He even smiled while they did it. The fair had a number of games, which Lizzy was not very good at. They were still fun to try, but if she expected to win a prize she always needed help. Dr. Marlow was very good at the games.
Some years, she came to the fair with Dr. Beckman. He was as bad at the games as Lizzy and also cursed a lot when he played them. Rather than win something, he usually paid money for a small prize so Lizzy could take something back to the hospital. Each year’s prize or purchase was prominently displayed atop her dresser in chronological order. She had been to the fair for nine years, and this would make it ten. Ten was a good number, she thought. Although, eleven was a nice number, too.
They passed by the games and Dr. Marlow let her pick out the ones they’d play before they left. That was the best way to do it, he’d explained. That way, you didn’t win something and have to carry it around all day. Dr. Marlow was very smart in that way. Lizzy selected the rifles, the basketballs, and the fishing game.
At one end of the fair stood a number of barns, and inside the barns were animals. As the hospital had no animals, other than the odd cat passing through, the barns were another of Lizzy’s favorite parts. Petting the goats or the wooly sheep was cute. Some years, they even had ponies and let people ride them. Lizzy had done that twice. This year, the ponies were not out, though. She did, however, get to feed a horse, which slobbered on her hand with its long tongue.
Dr. Marlow was very patient, allowing Lizzy to look at and ask questions about anything. He was the best doctor to come to the fair with. The others were not as patient or as interested in the fair. This was because Dr. Marlow had three daughters, he’d said, all of which he’d taken to the fair many times.
“Every kid should have as much fun at a fair as they can handle,” he’d told Lizzy once.
Today, he was just as patient as always. He let her look at every booth, and stop by every shop. He let her try on two hats and also bought her a thin scarf that was as blue as the bow. He helped her to tie it around her neck and told her it was lovely. They rode the carousel for a second time before drinking lemonade and, finally, playing the games. Playing the games was equal parts fun and saddening. The games were great, but that also meant that fair day was coming to an end and they were going back to the hospital. Still, it had been an excellent day at the fair.
She stood next to Dr. Marlow as he carefully pelted the targets with his air rifle, intent on winning her another prize for this year. It was while Dr. Marlow began his second round of shots that Lizzy saw the woman. There were many women at the fair but this one was different. The woman had blonde hair, like Lizzy’s, and she was at the fair with a man that Lizzy didn’t recognize.
That should have been normal. Lizzy didn’t recognize much of anyone. She did, however, have a feeling of recognition about the woman. The woman and the man stood some distance away, but they were slowly getting closer. Lizzy stared at the woman, unable to shake that nagging feeling of recognition. The woman came closer.
Yes, Lizzy did know her, only she couldn’t know her because that woman wasn’t real. She wasn’t Lizzy’s mother. Lizzy’s mother was the woman in the photos that Dr. Welcome showed her, and had shown her for years and years. The woman at the fair couldn’t be real. She was a mixed-up memory.
The memory was old, a false one, one that came from her Disassociative Identity Disorder. That was what Dr. Welcome called it. Only, right now, the memory was standing only feet away. Then, the woman noticed her. They looked at one another. The woman seemed as confused as Lizzy felt. There was recognition there, as well.
The memory came to her in a rush, riding in a car, the face of the woman in the mirror as she looked back at her and smiled. Lizzy shook her head. She had to make it go away. The memory was not Lizzy. She was not Lizzy. She was Lizzy, but the memory was not Lizzy!
“Lizzy?” Dr. Marlow said, putting his hand on her shoulder and following her gaze. “Are you alright, Lizzy?”
Lizzy suddenly felt tears in her eyes, and then they poured down her cheeks. The woman still looked at her. Then, Lizzy turned away from her and Lizzy ran. Dr. Marlow cursed, dropped his rifle, and ran after her.
Enjoying this story so far? Sprawling over 61 chapters, this story is set in the DomCo world, and features cameo appearances by both heroes and villains in the series! Follow Diana's descent at the hands of the seductive and evil Sara and see just how much of a bitch the competition can be.