Cheerloathing is an epic-length erotic novel of betrayal, seduction, and duplicity. As something of a spiritual successor to The Second Place Sister, this story features lots of kink and deep characterization. Enjoy!

Chapter Nine: Lizzy
Lizzy was having a good day because she woke up and she was Lizzy. It wasn’t always that way but it was most of the time now. Most days, she thought that she was sane enough to leave Shoreside Mental Health Hospital. That decision, however, was up to Dr. Welcome, and for thirteen years, Dr. Welcome disagreed.
So, Lizzy woke up and she showered, then put on a fresh pair of the facility-issued scrubs and waited for the duty nurse to unlock the door to her room. Today’s duty nurse was Nurse Barbara and she had Lizzy’s pills. Nurse Barbara also had a magazine, which was one of Lizzy’s favorite parts. Nurse Barbara had been the one to teach her how to read in those early years, and when Nurse Barbara had permission to give her a magazine, that meant she was doing well.
Lizzy took the red pill for the headaches and the blue pill for nightmares. The white pill had replaced the green pill a year ago, and this one was supposed to help with her anger. It mostly worked. Lizzy didn’t get angry so much these days. The white pill did make her feel weird, though, between the legs. A lot of the time, she felt so weird that she had to touch herself until it felt better.
The red, blue, and white pills reminded Lizzy of the colors on the flag that waved outside the common room window, the only window that looked outside. Nurse Kevin, who didn’t work here anymore, told Lizzy that the flag symbolized freedom, equality, and individualism. He’d laughed when she’d asked him a silly question.
“Why do they put it out there if everyone here is none of those things?”
Nurse Kevin had clapped her kindly on the shoulder and replied, “Now that’s a question.”
It was a question but Lizzy didn’t get an answer. The patients at Shoreside Mental Health Hospital were neither free nor equal. She supposed they were all individuals, as she understood such things, but Lizzy knew that she didn’t understand much. Most of what she did understand came from the various tutors and nurses that volunteered to teach the patients.
Lizzy did get some degree of freedom since she was one of the less crazy of the many crazy people at the hospital. That freedom came in being able to roam the grounds, use the rec room, and once a year to go out to the fair. She was always accompanied by handlers at the fair, but it was Lizzy’s favorite time of the year.
The fair was everything the hospital was not. It smelled good, had lots of delicious food, and there were all kinds of people. The people made Lizzy a bit nervous, as she was not accustomed to crowds, but Dr. Welcome felt it necessary that she get some degree of socialization just in case she got better one day. The day never came but Lizzy hoped it might.
Today was Fair Day and Lizzy was very pleased that she’d woken up as Lizzy today, so she would be allowed to go to the fair. One year, she’d missed it when she didn’t wake up as Lizzy. That year had been a long one, and that day, in particular, was not a good one. It had been her last big fit of anger, during which she’d stabbed Dr. Welcome in the leg with his pen.
After taking her pills, Nurse Barbara presented her with the magazine. On the cover was a cute girl in the kind of clothes Lizzy imagined she might wear if she ever learned how to be Lizzy all the time. The title was Fashion Focus and contained lots of pictures of girls in gowns, dresses, jackets, pants, skirts, and lovely tops. Lizzy wasn’t certain lovely was the correct term for the clothes, but Nurse Barbara had taught her the word a long time ago, using it to describe Lizzy herself, and she really liked how it sounded. Lovely. It kind of rolled off the tongue.
“Happy birthday,” Nurse Barbara said as Lizzy ran her hands over the magazine.
“It’s lovely,” Lizzy said and added, “Thank you.”
“So, big day out, huh?”
Nurse Barbara used this line every birthday, which Lizzy thought of as Fair Day. Lizzy didn’t know if it was her actual birthday. She’d been only six when she came to the hospital, and she’d had little sense of how time actually worked back then. She didn’t much understand it now, either. Most days in the hospital were the same. Lizzy knew when Fair Day was, though, because she made a mark with the purple marker in the back of her journal for each day. When there were enough marks, it was Fair Day.
“Yeah. Big day out,” Lizzy agreed as Nurse Barbara brushed her hair.
Nurse Barbara liked to brush her hair. It was so fine, she said. It was like gold, she said. When she finished, she put a blue bow on one side and told her it looked lovely.
“Now, get down to eval and be on your best behavior, alright?” Nurse Barbara said.
Lizzy would be on her best behavior. She was not going to miss another fair. No way, no how. She was Lizzy today, no matter what.
Lizzy knew the way to the evaluation room so well that she could have walked there in her sleep. Right turn, left turn, past the rec room, and a stop at the stairwell to the lower floor. A white-smocked orderly unlocked the door with his thumbprint and escorted her down the steps, opened the door, and nodded to another orderly on the other side.
Two more right turns and left, then wait at the office door until the buzzer went off. When it did, Lizzy pulled the handle. Another orderly gave her a pat down. Lizzy always got a pat down and also had to lift her shirt, then her pant legs to let the orderly check her socks. Dr. Welcome didn’t want to get stabbed again. Lizzy wouldn’t do it. It was Fair Day, and she wasn’t missing another fair. No way, no how.
The orderly opened the evaluation room door and shut it behind her. In the little, windowless room, on the other side of a table, sat Dr. Welcome. He wore a brown blazer, which Lizzy knew meant that he would leave the facility for his own practice. Dr. Welcome had lots of patients, both inside the facility and out.
Over thirteen years, Lizzy had gotten to know Dr. Welcome well. Only in the last year had she gotten to know the other side of Dr. Welcome. It wasn’t his most pleasant side but, then, Dr. Welcome didn’t have much of a pleasant side at all.
“Have a seat, Lizzy,” Dr. Welcome said and gestured toward the chair across the table.
Lizzy sat.
“Big day today. Happy birthday, sweetie.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“It is Lizzy today, isn’t it?”
Lizzy nodded and smiled her best smile. A lovely smile, she thought, and said, “It’s Lizzy every day, sir.”
Dr. Welcome checked a folder and said, “For sixty-three days, that’s been the case. It’s a personal best! Do you feel like the new medication is helping?”
“Yes, sir,” Lizzy agreed and nodded eagerly.
“Any bad dreams?”
Lizzy shook her head.
“Any angry thoughts recently?”
Lizzy shook her head again.
“I see that you had a little altercation with Lucille in the common room last week. Would you like to tell me what that was about?”
Lizzy blushed but she didn’t get angry. It was not a day to get angry. It was Fair Day, and Lizzy wasn’t missing another Fair Day. No way, no how.
“She was singing that song again,” Lizzy said. “The one about the two girls with the blonde hair. I asked her to stop and she wouldn’t. But I didn’t get mad. I promise. I might have… raised my voice a little. I did like you said, though, and I just went outside to the garden.”
Dr. Welcome nodded, “That’s good. You handled the situation well, Lizzy. What did you do in the garden?”
“Checked the seeds. The roses I planted are coming up and I wanted to see if they bloomed.”
“How are they?”
“Not yet but I think they’re close.”
“Let’s talk about the white pill, Lizzy. Any more side effects?”
“Just the same.”
“You feel hot and wet?”
Lizzy nodded.
“And when you feel that way, are you touching yourself like we talked about?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Have you gone to Janey to help you?”
Lizzy shook her head. Dr. Welcome frowned and Lizzy’s heart skipped a beat. When Dr. Welcome frowned, it meant he was disappointed. When Dr. Welcome was disappointed, it usually meant that he’d take something away. Maybe she’d have to spend a night in the Immersion Room. A shiver ran down her spine. But Dr. Welcome’s frown vanished and turned up into the kind of compassionate smile that Lizzy thought a snake might wear if they were able.
“I understand that it might be uncomfortable to ask Janey to help you, but you know that she likes to do things for the other girls. What did we talk about doing when you’re hot and wet?”
“Sexual socialization,” Lizzy mumbled.
Dr. Welcome nodded, “That’s right. It’s important that you explore those feelings with someone safe. Taking care of it yourself should be a last resort. You can’t expect to ever leave the hospital if you’re not able to be intimate with other people.”
“Yes, sir,” Lizzy agreed.
Dr. Welcome checked his watch, “We have a bit of time before I release you. Dr. Marlow will take you to the fair today.”
Lizzy nodded. That was good. Dr. Marlow liked to play the games with her. Dr. Marlow was really good at shooting the targets. A few years ago, he’d been good enough to win Lizzy the big elephant, and Dr. Welcome even let her keep it in her room.
“Are you feeling hot and wet right now, Lizzy?”
Lizzy didn’t really want to admit that she was, but if she denied it Dr. Welcome might check with his finger. He’d been doing it since she turned eighteen. At first, it had been weird. But everything Dr. Welcome did was a bit weird. Most times it felt good, but not as good as Dr. Welcome’s tongue or his cock.
Most times, he worked with her himself on sexual socialization. With all his other patients, though, he didn’t always have time for Lizzy and her hot, wet feeling. On those other days, she just took care of it herself.
“Yes, sir,” she admitted.
“Why don’t we take care of that for you, and then you can go meet Dr. Marlow. Would you like that?”
Lizzy nodded and stood up. She rounded the other side of the table as Dr. Welcome scooted back his chair. Dr. Welcome hooked his fingers into the elastic waistband of the scrub pants and pulled them down, exposing Lizzy’s bare pussy. She let the pants pool around her ankles as Dr. Welcome put his face against her mound and inhaled the hot scent of her arousal.
Lizzy’s tummy fluttered at the weird feeling and she put her bottom on the table, scooting to the edge. Dr. Welcome spread her legs apart, just far enough to get his tongue on her pussy, and then he licked up the length of it and Lizzy moaned. It was so much better than doing it with her fingers.
Not for the first time, she wondered if she could let Janey do it for her like the doctor wanted. Lizzy didn’t feel any sort of anything when she looked at Janey or the other girls, though. At least, not the same things she felt when she was hot and wet and looked at the men on staff. Some of those she thought were cute. Well, some of the girls were cute, too, but not in that way. Not in the way that made the hot, wet feeling get so hot that she thought her insides might melt.
Dr. Welcome growled into her pussy as he licked and sucked it, his hands sliding up under the scrub top to toy with her breasts. Lizzy shook on the table as his tongue probed her button, making her jerk as a wave of pleasure shot up from her core. While in most ways Dr. Welcome had become the symbol for her confinement, the obstacle that combined with her craziness to keep her in the hospital, when she had the hot feeling, it was his tongue that she thought about and wanted.
It took him very little time to make her cum and Lizzy arched her back as he drank the honey from her pussy. Her vision swimming with little white stars, Lizzy knew what would come next. The next part was even better. Dr. Welcome pulled out his cock and pulled Lizzy’s hips back to the edge of the table. It was difficult to part her legs for him to fuck her, with her pants still around her ankles, but Dr. Welcome didn’t seem to mind.
He pushed his hard dick inside of her and held her hips firmly, stroking the length of his shaft into her hot, wet insides. Many of the things that Dr. Welcome made her do, like listening to the recordings, or watching the movies with the flashing lights, Lizzy didn’t particularly enjoy. She did enjoy how his cock felt when he was stroking it in and out of her, though.
Dr. Welcome panted and grunted as he held her there on the table. Lizzy humped his penis and moaned softly, her body shaking on the table. Then Dr. Welcome gave a familiar, final grunt and she could feel the wash of warm goo spilling into her. He pumped his penis into her for another minute before pulling it out. With a handkerchief, he wiped a trail of his goo from between her legs and stuffed it into his pocket.
The doctor zipped up his pants and helped Lizzy off of the table. She pulled the scrub pants back up and took her seat across the table once more, her skin flushed. The wet, hot feeling had dulled somewhat, as it always did when her pussy was taken care of. In a few hours, though, she knew it would be back. Then, she’d have to take care of it herself. Or go ask Janey for help.
“Well, I think that the socialization is working, Lizzy,” Dr. Welcome said. “Just remember, it’s always best if you don’t do it yourself.”
“Yes, sir,” Lizzy agreed.
“Why don’t you wait here and I’ll page Dr. Marlow to take you out.”
Lizzy fidgeted in her seat in anticipation of a day outside. She made a mental check. She was still Lizzy. Good. Sixty-three days. A personal best. Maybe if she could keep being Lizzy for even more days, or all the days, then she could leave the hospital. As she waited for Dr. Marlow, Lizzy imagined spending every day at the fair. Did they have the fair every day? She didn’t know. But if she could leave, she decided, it would be nice to spend every day at the fair.
The fair was everything the hospital was not and, after thirteen years, Lizzy felt she might just be getting better. Sixty-four days, then sixty-five. She could be Lizzy all the time, she just knew. Then, Dr. Welcome would let her out.
Chapter Ten: Raised Stakes
Sara hurried into the gym for practice. Her last class had run over, and she was sure to be the last one in today. Being last was unacceptable. Still, she plastered on her cheer smile as she joined her teammates on the bleachers. The captain and co-captain were conversing in hushed, excited tones, and there was a sense of anticipation from the gathered girls.
“What’s going on?” Sara asked Shelly.
“I dunno. They aren’t saying. Just that coach has news.”
Only a minute later, Coach Mallory walked in from her back office and said something to the captains.
“Alright, ladies,” she said to the squad, rubbing her hands together. “Before we get started on today’s drills, I’ve got some exciting news to share. The NCA national pre-qualifiers for small teams are opening for registration next month! That means we’ll be selecting a group of four to represent the team.”
There were some murmurs amongst the girls, and they sat up straight.
“The teams that make the top ten will win the whole squad a place in the Nationals. The next step, as I’m sure you know, is the IASF. Who here thinks they’ve got what it takes to show your stuff to the world? Who here wants to get scouted for an all-star team?”
Every hand shot up with a collective gasp.
“I thought so,” Mallory said. “Now, here’s what’s going to happen. When registration opens, we’ll send a group of four to represent the school. That will be one flyer and three spots. Those three will need to be strong in tumbling and dance. Time to step up the game, girls.”
In today’s practice, the squad broke up into their teams. The opening game for the basketball team was coming up the following week, and they’d need to push hard to build up a cohesive unit in time. Coach Mallory wanted a strong start to the season and she was giddy with the chance at the upcoming competition.
Her head filled with dreams of the spotlight and a world stage, Sara felt humiliated when Mallory assigned her as a back spot for Diana in today’s practice. Sure, it was just practice and everyone needed to work in every position, but with the big chance, she was ready to show her stuff. Having to look up Diana’s skirt, toss her, and be a fucking basket to catch her was… it was wrong.
Standing in the back, supporting Diana’s weight, Sara’s mind was half on the imagined image of herself just making one small move. Diana would come crashing down, maybe sprain an ankle or, better, break something. But that wouldn’t do. That would be Sara’s fault and she’d be a weak link. Instead, she’d stick to the plan, play the long game, and let Diana cripple herself.
Next, the spotters swapped out and Sara had a chance to stand back and watch Diana’s performance. The coach and captains actually fucking cooed over her when she showed off a flawless scorpion, lifting a leg behind her body, knee bent, a hand grasping her ankle, and her other arm forward. Sara thought she might vomit on their shoes. Had she been up there, hers would have been just as perfect.
They just weren’t giving her the chance. No, not Sara the fucking backup. She’d only be on the pyramid when they needed two of them. Otherwise, she would be on the ground, dancing or spotting, while Diana soared in front of the crowd. And, of course, when it came time to pick which flyer would go to the pre-qualifiers, it would be Diana.
Sara smiled in the light, holding her hate in the dark, and cheered alongside the others. It was time to step things up, to worm her way into the rest of Diana’s life, and learn what she needed to know. By the time it came to choose the team’s flyer—and later their captain—Diana would be a fucking memory.
Enjoying this story so far? Sprawling over 61 chapters, this story is set in the DomCo world, and features cameo appearances by both heroes and villains in the series! Follow Diana's descent at the hands of the seductive and evil Sara and see just how much of a bitch the competition can be.