Things around Kendra's home are getting a little odd. Her mother and her eighteen-year-old sister are acting strange, leading Kendra to feel as if she's being left out of some private joke. When her best friend, Marin, starts acting the same way, Kendra is confronted with the awful truth.
Her asshole brother, Pierce, is some kind of over-endowed stud. He's laid his mother, their youngest sister, Kendra's bestie, and he's intent on bedding the entire household. Only Kendra holds out. What's a big-dicked brother with a raging hard-on for his spiteful sister to do? Put those other sluts to work, of course, and start convincing Kendra.
Kinks Served: Incest, Betrayal, Seduction, Cock worship, FemChastity, Anal, Rimming, Girl/Girl, Group Sex

Chapter One: Spiteful Sister
Kendra despised her brother, Pierce. He wasn’t just an asshole. Pierce was the kind of guy that treated women as if they were nothing more than tits on legs, Kendra included. He dismissed her opinions, belittled her for the slightest mistakes, and made gross remarks about the way she dressed.
Kendra’s mother, Marsha, and her younger sister, Hayla, made it all worse by laughing at his crude jokes. It hadn’t always been that way, but in the last few weeks Kendra had noticed a major change in the two of them that made her feel as if her family were somehow leaving her out of some private joke. It was infuriating.
Tonight, Kendra sat on her bed wearing panties and a cut-off tee, while her best friend, Marin, lay beside her, tapping at her phone and listening to Kendra vent.
“Like, I don’t know what the fuck is wrong in their heads, but he treats us like stupid animals and they just giggle about it,” she whined to Marin.
“Internalized misogyny,” Marin said.
“Internalized misogyny. Inwardly, they have the same image of themselves. They aren’t confident and think that men are somehow superior to women,” Marin explained.
“That’s bullshit,” Kendra grumbled. “My mom owns her own business, and she’s taken care of us on her own since Dad died. She’s about as smart and independent as you can get.”
Marin shrugged and said, “I don’t know. Maybe he’s banging them really good.”
“Gross, Marin! What the fuck!”
Marin laughed and said, “Jesus. I’m joking. He does kind of have that Chad-like, cocky, big-dick energy, though. Some chicks like that.”
Kendra stuck her finger in her throat and gagged, saying, “Fuck you! You did not just say Pierce has ‘big-dick energy’!”
“You ever just ask them?”
“Ask them what?”
“Why they always take his side,” Marin suggested.
Kendra shook her head and asked, “What good would that do? They’d just tell me I’m being too hard on him or some shit.”
“Well, if you won’t do anything about it, then I guess you’ll just have to suck it up.”
Early in the morning, Kendra cracked open an eye in the darkness and looked at the clock. 2:26 am. Marin was staying the night, but Marin didn’t seem to be in the room. Assuming her friend had snuck out for a pee, Kendra tried to go back to sleep. Minutes passed, though, and Marin didn’t return.
Unable to let it go, Kendra slipped out of bed and into the hall. Everything was dark. The bathroom door was open, and no one was inside. She padded to the end of the hall, to the top of the staircase, wondering if Marin had gone down to watch TV. And that was when she heard the sound.
The sound was coming from Pierce’s room, low, muffled moaning. Kendra turned her gaze to the far end of the hallway. Pierce’s door loomed in the darkness like a portal to her own personal hell. She took a careful step, then another, and a few more brought her to the door.
This close, she could hear the muffled moaning clearly. Either Pierce was watching porn (likely) or he had a girl in his room. The latter, Kendra thought, was unlikely. She couldn’t imagine that any woman would actually find Pierce’s character attractive.
Kendra had watched porn, though, and this didn’t sound like porn. It sounded real. Not only did it sound real, it sounded like the girl was having the fuck of her life and trying to hold in the pleasure by suffocating herself with a pillow. Alongside the muffled cries of ecstasy was the rhythmic creak of a bed and the light knocking of a headboard against the wall.
Kendra’s stomach lurched as she imagined her brother, nude, with his pencil dick in some fat girl. Only, the more she listened, the more the fat girl’s moaning sounded a lot like Marin. And those kinds of moans didn’t come from a pencil dick. They were hot, gasping, barely-controlled exhalations of pleasure that seemed to indicate the kind of fucking that would have a girl walking funny the next day.
The next sound made Kendra flinch as the crack of a hand against flesh came through the door. The girl’s moaning turned into a full-on squeal, and Kendra could just imagine her going into a convulsive orgasm. She tugged at her shirt, feeling hot, and took a step back from the door.
It didn’t make sense, but she couldn’t deny that Marin was the girl in the room. Marin was fucking Pierce, or rather, Pierce was fucking Marin. Pierce was fucking Marin so well that Marin was losing her mind and screeching into a pillow. Or a mattress.
Feeling both a little hot and a little sick, Kendra retreated from the door and back to her room. She watched the clock for over an hour before she managed to fall asleep again, and Marin still hadn’t come back.
In the morning, Kendra awoke to find Marin next to her in bed. She was comatose and didn’t so much as groan with annoyance when Kendra shook her. She smelled like sweat and sex, and her brunette curls were in the kind of disarray that indicated a long night of passionate fucking, complete with hair-pulling. There were love bites on her neck.
With a queasy stomach, Kendra got out of bed and left Marin to doze. Dressed in a bathrobe, she left the room and headed to the bathroom, where she found the door shut. She knocked lightly.
“Yeah?” came Pierce’s voice through the door.
Kendra sighed and called back, “I need to shower.”
Silence followed, but a moment later, the door opened. Pierce stood bare-chested in the doorway, his skin glistening with dried sweat.
“Say please,” he ordered.
Kendra reddened and said, “Just let me use the shower.”
Pierce looked her up and down for a few seconds as Kendra squirmed, then said, “Come on in.”
He held open the door but didn’t leave. Kendra squeezed past him, but she was still close enough to smell the hours-old sex scent on him. She rounded on him and stood with her hand on her hip.
“Do you mind?” she said through gritted teeth.
“Oh, you want me to leave?” Pierce asked.
“I need to shower. Get out.”
“No can do. I still need to shower, too,” he said.
Kendra stamped her foot and said, “Why didn’t you just say that? Fine. I’ll fucking wait.”
She made for the door, but Pierce’s arm shot out and blocked her passage.
“No need to rush. It’s big enough for two. Four if you count your tits.”
With his free hand, he parted the fold of her robe and glanced at her cleavage. Kendra slapped his hand and then his face.
“What the fuck, Pierce?” she growled. “You’re such an asshole.”
Pierce rubbed his cheek and chuckled as he removed his arm from the door.
“Why don’t you ask Marin about what an asshole I am,” he said. “Or how hers feels.”
Kendra sputtered as she ducked out of the door. Pierce shut the door, and Kendra heard the shower start. She stood and stared at the door in disbelief, unable to comprehend that she’d just been nearly molested by her asshole brother.
She stamped her foot in frustration, stopped at her room to glance inside, and found Marin still sleeping. Annoyed, Kendra went down to the kitchen to find something to eat while she waited for Pierce to finish in the shower.
Marsha and Hayla were seated at the table, both of them picking at plates of scrambled eggs. They looked almost depressed as they silently stared at their plates.
“Morning,” Kendra said on her way to the coffeemaker.
“Hey,” Hayla said sullenly.
“Morning,” their mother added, equally laconic.
Kendra poured a cup of coffee and helped herself to the leftover eggs. When she sat at the table, she gave them each a curious glance and asked, “Who died?”
“What?” Marsha asked, lifting her head.
“Seriously. What’s with you two? You look like you just found out Santa isn’t real.”
“Santa is real,” Hayla said. “He took Kimmy. No one believes me.”
“Alright, weirdo,” Kendra said. “Really, though. What’s up?”
“Didn’t sleep well,” Hayla said.
“Same,” Marsha agreed.
“Those two… idiots keep you awake?” Kendra grumbled.
Marsha stabbed her eggs particularly hard, making Kendra flinch, and she twisted her fork into them as if she were staking a vampire. Kendra watched her warily and took a bite of her eggs.
“I don’t like that girl,” Marsha said. “You shouldn’t be friends with her. She’s a bad influence.”
Kendra did a double blink and said, “Marin? Since when do you not like Marin? She’s been coming over here for ten years.”
“You can do better,” Hayla said. “She’s not even that pretty.”
Kendra set her fork down and said, “What does pretty have to do with her coming over? Or being my friend? You like Marin, too. What the hell?”
Marsha took her half-eaten plate to the trash and dumped it, then put it in the washer.
“I’m going to have a nap,” she announced. “I think Marin should leave when she gets up.”
Without a further explanation, she left the room. Stunned, Kendra was speechless as Hayla, too, discarded her breakfast and left the kitchen. As she finished her own breakfast, Kendra mulled over the previous day, looking for something that Marin might have said or done that had somehow offended the two of them.
She couldn’t think of anything. Marin had been a constant presence in the house for a decade, ever since Kendra was ten years old. Hayla, just two years younger, had also counted Marin as a friend. Their mother had treated Marin like a third daughter all that time. Now Marin was somehow a bad influence? It didn’t make sense.
Half an hour had passed since Kendra came downstairs. When she’d finished coffee and breakfast, she went back up. As she topped the steps, she glanced down the hall toward the three bedrooms clustered at the far end.
Hayla’s door shut quickly when Kendra looked in that direction. At the direct end of the hall was her mother’s room, the door shut. To either side were Hayla and Pierce’s rooms, while Kendra occupied the single bedroom at the opposite end of the hall.
All three doors at the far end were shut. The bathroom door was now open. Kendra started toward it and had just reached the doorway when a long, low moan came through the door at the far end. Her mother’s door. It was just loud enough to hear in the quiet of the morning, and it stopped Kendra in her tracks.
She looked down the hall toward the door and waited, holding her breath. The moan came again, quieter but still audible. She crept down the hallway, closer to the door, avoiding the creaky board in the center, until she was a foot away from her mother’s room.
The moaning, just like last night, was muffled but unmistakable this close. Either her mother was masturbating or… no. No fucking way! Kendra sidestepped and put her ear to Pierce’s door. Inside, it was completely silent. She stepped back, and trembling, put her ear to her mother’s door.
She couldn’t make out words, but she could hear the low sound of a male voice and the stifled, pleasurable gasps and moans of her mother. Then, the bed creaked and her mother gasped loudly. The creaking became rhythmic and the sounds of Marsha’s pleasure quickly became more evident.
Kendra’s stomach did a flip, and she felt faint as the reality of what was happening struck her like a slap to the face. Pierce was fucking their mother. Her mother was fucking her own son, right here, with everyone in the house. And she was getting off on it.
Kendra stumbled back in shock and came up against Hayla’s door. And that was when she noticed the other sound. Dizzy and confused, she tried to tune out her mother’s moaning and the creaking of her bed, focusing, instead, on the new sound from Hayla’s room.
The sound was similar, a quiet, pleasurable moaning. There was no creaking bed, though. Instead, there was a low, electric hum. Like a… a vibrator. Oh, shit! Hayla was masturbating. Hayla was… masturbating to the sound of Pierce fucking their mother?
It was too much. Kendra stumbled drunkenly down the hall, away from the sounds, away from the awful reality, and locked herself in the bathroom. She rubbed at her eyes and tried to suppress the memory of the sounds, the implications of what she’d heard.
With a tremulous hand, she reached in to start the shower, as if the hot spray might somehow wash away the filth of what was happening down the hall. She was just about to turn the handle when her eyes fell on a big, sticky white glob plastered to the shower wall. The huge blob was dripping down the wall, just above the handle.
Kendra recoiled as if she’d been about to pick up a snake. She stifled a horrified squeak with her hand, then took a step closer and looked at the goo. There was nothing else it could be. It was a big, dripping glob of cum. And there was no one else’s it could be. It was Pierce’s cum, dripping down the shower wall.
Chapter Two: The Secret
There wasn’t anything to actually smell, but Kendra held her nose as she used the shower sprayer to wash away the huge, dripping mess of semen. It took far longer than she felt it should have. Why was there so much? Why was it so sticky?
Showering, too, took extra time. Letting the water slide over her body, Kendra struggled with going back out to the hall. She’d be able to see the door, behind which her mother had been having sex with her brother. Right next to it, her sister was masturbating. The mental image made her stomach turn, and she almost lost her breakfast.
When the water was too cold to stand it anymore, she shut it off and wrapped a towel around herself. It took two aborted attempts to open the door with her shaking hand. On the third attempt, she opened it as slowly as a cautious thief. She stepped into the hall.
Unable to help herself, she looked down the hall at the door. Hayla stood outside of it, naked from the waist down, with her ear pressed against it. Her sister was rubbing her pussy as she listened to — no. That couldn’t be right. Pierce couldn’t still be fucking their mother.
The shower alone must have lasted forty minutes. People didn’t have sex for forty minutes, let alone over forty minutes. But Hayla was listening to something. And the sight of her younger sister rubbing her cunt as she listened made Kendra gasp out loud.
Hayla snapped her head around like a frightened rabbit and dashed back into her room, shutting the door. Kendra glanced at her own door, still open with the sounds of Marin snoring softly coming from within. She took a step down the hall.
The hallway seemed to lengthen before her with every step, becoming tunnel-like as her vision focused on the door. As she drew nearer, each step brought clarity to the muffled sounds from within. When she finally stood outside the door, the sounds were clear, despite the barrier.
Her mother wasn’t just moaning. She was delirious, panting sharply. Kendra felt hot as she listened, just like Hayla. The panting increased in intensity until her mother’s strangled, breathless voice, let out a drawn-out, “Ooooh… fuuuuck!” And then Kendra could practically hear the way her body shuddered with something that resembled an orgasm. But it seemed so much more intense than anything she, herself, had experienced.
When the sounds died back down and then began to build back up to the same incredible climax, Kendra was suddenly aware of the pleasure in her own cunt. The feeling made her look down, where she had unconsciously begun to touch herself. Just like Hayla.
She snatched her hand away and took a step back, stumbling in her haste and falling on her ass. The towel, fortunately, stayed shut in her grasp, and she resisted the urge to crabwalk backward, away from the door. For another second she stared at it, then shook her head, stood up, and fled back to her own room with her cheeks burning.
She flung her door shut and rounded on the bed, where Marin cracked open one eye at the sudden intrusion. Her best friend rolled over and stretched, wiped at her eyes, and yawned. With a lethargic hand, she peeled back the sheet and swung her feet off the bed, revealing panties that were askew and showing her pussy.
Marin blinked again and then fixed Kendra with a questioning look. When Kendra didn’t provide an answer, Marin mumbled, “M gotta pee…” and staggered to her feet. She brushed past Kendra without another word and vanished into the bathroom. Kendra took the opportunity to quickly pull a pair of shorts and a tee, then sat heavily on the bed.
She heard the shower start, but all she could do was stare at the door that Marin had left open. A moment later, Marin cursed loudly, presumably at the cold water. The shower shut off and a minute later, Marin was back.
“Your hot water not working?” she asked.
Kendra slowly shook her head.
Marin frowned and cocked her head, asking, “What’s with you?”
Kendra didn’t know how to say. She didn’t want to say it. How could she say it. If she said it out loud, it would make it real. Marin would know, too, and that would make it worse. Instead, she decided to ask another question.
“You had sex with Pierce?”
It came out as almost a statement. Marin rubbed the back of her neck and looked at the floor, blushing. After a second, she sighed and sat on the bed next to Kendra.
“No,” she said. “Not like… not really. I mean, yeah, we had sex, but it was more like… like he had sex with me.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Kendra snapped. “Did he rape you?”
Her heart beat wildly and her pulse shot up. She should call the cops. Her mother wasn’t having sex with Pierce. Pierce was raping her! How fucking stupid could she be? She shot to her feet and went for her phone.
“No,” Marin said quickly. “No fucking way. He didn’t do… that. Trust me. Fuck!”
Kendra stopped and turned back around.
“Just say it!” Kendra urged.
“Girl, I don’t even know. It wasn’t like… it wasn’t like we were having sex together. It was… Kendra… It was good. More than good. It was… it was so. Fucking. Amazing.”
Marin looked into the distance as she said each word, as if remembering the best day of her life, wistfully recalling every detail to bring the memory to life.
“Amazing?” Kendra squeaked.
Marin glanced at the open door and lowered her voice, “I thought I’d had sex, but… holy shit. I mean, holy fucking shit, Kendra. Your brother, like, owned me.”
Kendra’s stomach lurched again, and she covered her mouth as her complexion paled. Marin continued to look away as she remembered, her own skin turning pinker by the second as she replayed the night in her head. Kendra stifled the nausea and took her hand away, then sat back on the bed.
“He’s… I think he’s doing it… with my mom,” she whispered.
That snapped Marin out of her reverie and her jaw lowered as if on hydraulics, slowly, as the words registered.
“Your mom?” she hissed.
Kendra nodded. Marin flushed, but it wasn’t with embarrassment. Her mouth shut and her jaw tightened. Kendra watched her fist curl into the comforter and an angry tremor ran down her body.
The look of concern must have been plain on Kendra’s face, because Marin took a deep breath and uncurled her fist. Now she seemed sheepish, as though realizing she’d somehow embarrassed herself.
“She wants you to go home,” Kendra said, her shoulders slumping.
Marin looked puzzled and asked, “Why?”
“I don’t know. She was all mad over breakfast. So was Hayla.”
“Seriously? What did I do?”
Kendra started to shake her head, to repeat herself, but then she stopped as a terrible thought struck her.
“Do you think… Do you think she’s jealous?” she whispered.
“Jealous? Why would she— Oh! Jealous that Pierce fucked me?”
“God! Don’t say it!” Kendra grumbled and covered her ears.
“Sorry. I guess she could be. But that doesn’t explain Hayla…” the name trailed off as the two of them looked at one another in shared silence, the same conclusion coming at the same time.
“He did it with Hayla,” they whispered in unison.
“Oh, shit!” Marin squeaked.
Kendra ran to the wastebasket and threw up. Marin snatched the still-wet towel from the floor and handed it to her friend. Kendra took it in a limp hand and wiped at her mouth.
“Dude,” Marin whispered, “Your brother is totally—“
Kendra raised a hand to silence her, indicating the wastebasket with her angry eyes.
“Oh, right,” Marin said, then suggested, “Maybe we should both go for a while? We can hang at my place for the day.”
Kendra nodded and got to her feet. She collected her purse and phone, while Marin pulled on her discarded jeans from the night before. Together, they walked into the hallway.
The two of them froze as the door at the far end opened. They collectively gasped as Pierce walked out, naked, his cock wet and shiny. He glanced down the hallway at them, grinned, waved, and then opened Hayla’s door and stepped inside.
Kendra looked at Marin, eyes wide with disbelief. Marin was staring at Hayla’s door and she had that same angry expression on her face. Her fists clenched tight. Kendra took a step away from her trembling body.
That brought Marin’s attention back and she let out a breath, unclenched her fists, and whispered, “Did you see it?”
Kendra nodded her head. She couldn’t unsee it.
“Kendra, it was… so. Fucking. Good,” Marin said again.
Down the hall, Hayla squealed loudly and the sound of her headboard banging against the wall beat a rhythm that any percussion artist would be jealous of.
Kendra ran away, covering her ears, taking the steps two at a time. It took Marin a while longer to move.
Will Kendra give in to her brother's advances? Will she be left with any choice? Find out in the full story, Convincing Kendra.