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Edge, Chapter Nine: Challenge Accepted

By the time the girls had finished a second shower, carefully avoiding any contact with Jenna’s parents, Jenna felt more relieved of her constant arousal than she had in the last week. Kara, though, she could tell was on the verge of a meltdown and Jenna wondered how much longer her chastity challenge was going to last. She couldn’t imagine going a full week with the belt teasing her, and who knew what other torments the game would inflict on her to keep her locked-up pussy on edge. Clean and mostly satisfied, Jenna hardly had the strength to whine a bit as Kara locked her in the belt again.

“Kara,” Jenna said softly as she put on some of her new clothes, “how long do you have left in your challenge?”

“Today is the last day,” Kara answered, desperation clear in her tone.

“I’m… I’m sorry,” Jenna said, lamely.

Kara shook her head and replied, “Don’t be. I took it knowing it would be hard. I didn’t realize exactly how hard,” she smiled sadly, chuckled, and continued, “but I’ll be rank five and have only one more to go before I can ditch my keyholder.”

“What happens to the belt, you know, after that?”

“It stays on,” Kara explained, “but you’re entitled to one Universal Key in your inventory each day. You can only hold one at a time, though, so it’s its own form of torture. Use it on yourself, or use it on another player.”

The idea of having her own key, being able to be free of the belt whenever she chose, if only for a little while was immensely exciting to Jenna.

“Kara,” Jenna said, timidly, “What is it like to really… well, to have sex?”

She flushed crimson at the silly, naive question. Kara was clearly more experienced, though, and from looking at the challenges the previous evening, she knew that a lot of them involved some kind of sexual act.

“Honestly,” Kara said, taking her hand, “It’s not so bad. Most times it’s really fucking good! Of course, being on a constant fuck high, with whatever’s in the Obsequium pumping through your veins makes it incredible. Doing it with complete strangers, well, it wasn’t that much fun at first, but after the first few times it becomes its own kind of thrill. At least, it did for me.”

“I need to start taking challenges,” Jenna said.

Kara nodded and replied, “You can start easy. The important thing is to rank and to increase your trust score.”

“Trust score?” Jenna asked. She didn’t remember seeing any kind of score.

“You really haven’t played any online games, have you?”

Jenna shook her head.

“Okay, think of it like social media or like a product review. Edge has its own community. The whole thing is fucked, and it revolves around you debasing yourself and being as slutty as you can be. At least, it does for the girls. As far as I can tell, the guys are the real winners, no matter what kind of rewards they give us. I just figure that the rewards are a way to keep the slaves (us) from getting too rebellious. If you’re constantly beating an animal and never giving it any kind of positive reinforcement, eventually it’s going to bite back. But if you can give it an incentive to keep coming back for more, something that has real, tangible benefits, eventually it just stays in its cage and wants to keep being rewarded.”

Jenna nodded. It made sense.

Kara went on, “The trust score is like a product review. When you interact with other players, you’re given the chance to rank that interaction. It might not seem like it, but there are rules that govern what people can and can’t do to one another. Other players can’t kill you, for example. The people at the top, that’s probably a different story. I haven’t been keen to see for myself, if you know what I mean.”

Jenna gulped, thinking of the missing persons reports in the envelope, and nodded agreement. Kara understood. She continued, “Trust score has an effect on what challenges you can take. The lower your score, the lower reward you can earn. There’s a lot of twisted and sadistic fuckery to this whole thing, but whoever is running it doesn’t seem to want people out-and-out harming each other or inflicting total misery. They push you, coerce you to do things that are kinky as fuck, but there seems to be a bigger picture, like they’re using us to create some kind of alternative society.”

“Alternative society?” Jenna asked.

“You’ll start to see it when you get new challenges. The introductory ones are to get you motivated. Good money, nothing too extreme, some fairly easy but still kinky sex. My thinking is that it’s what they do to get you comfortable with taking risks, doing things that are outside of your comfort zone. Later, you’ll start to see new ones, things that don’t even involve sex, like Courier challenges, where you transport packages. Others, like Influencer usually do involve sex, but those are with a specific target. I once spent the whole night getting butt-fucked by a Congressman.”

Jenna paled, and Kara laughed.

“It’s not so bad. I mean, you already butt-fucked yourself, right? Trust me, with how goddamn horny you are all the time, you’ll take an orgasm any time you can get it. Why don’t we take a look at some of the challenges and I’ll help you pick one to try.”

Jenna nodded, uncertain, but slightly aroused at the thought of being anally penetrated by a Congressman, which was very confusing.

“Tony,” Kara said, “Request access to Jenna’s Halo.”

A message appeared in her vision stating, “Kara has requested to share your view. Is this okay?”

She tapped to accept as she asked, “You named your Halo Tony?”

Kara shrugged, “I think it’s cute. There’s nothing that says your Halo has to share the same gender.”

Kara swiped and tapped the air in front of her, and in Jenna’s view a ghostly white hand brought up the Edge page, showing the available challenges. Kara enlarged the Rank Zero challenges and began to scroll.

“This one,” she said, tapping it.

Service provider:

Requirements: Submit a Halo recording of yourself providing oral satisfaction until your target achieves orgasm. Your target must be previously unknown to you. This challenge is not gender-specific.

Reward choices:

-Cash prize of $2,000

-48 hours freedom

-Rank up

Bonus chance: Provide a livestream for other players to follow.

Bonus reward: $250

Result of failure: 24 hours with Cum Bucket designation. Geolocation active. Available to all players.

“You want me to suck some stranger’s dick? And record it?” Jenna asked.

Kara nodded, saying, “It’s just a blowjob. These ones are super easy, especially if you go after a guy. Since it’s not gender specific, you could do a girl, too, but guys are an easy target. What guy doesn’t want his dick sucked by a hot girl like you? Consider the rewards, too. That’s a good one. Money, two days of freedom, and a rank up. This is a no-brainer, Jenna.”

“What’s Cum Bucket designation?” Jenna asked, looking at the result of failure.

“You become a free use cum hole for any other player, regardless of rank, for 24 hours. You also get a target painted on you, signaling your location to everyone. Anyone that wants to can cum in your mouth during that period.”

“What the fuck!” Jenna cried.

“Them’s the brakes, kiddo.”

Jenna cringed. What was the alternative, though? Stay a Rank Zero? Be a low-level toy for anyone of higher rank? Refuse to play and see her entire family become a missing person report?

“I… I don’t know how to do it.” Jenna admitted.

“No better way to learn,” Kara said, “than by giving it a try. It’s not rocket science. Place cock in mouth. Wrap lips around cock. Lick, suck, bob your head, swallow. Or take it in the face. Or the tits. Or wherever else. Most guys aren’t really particular.”

“So, I just find some stranger on the street and ask if he wants a blowjob? He’s going to think I’m a hooker, or something,” Jenna said.

“Well, I can propose an easy solution for you, if you’re open to it,” Kara said, a grin spreading across her face.

“This ought to be good.”

“It is! It has to be someone previously unknown to you, and I do have an older brother,” Kara suggested.

Jenna sighed, and asked, “You’re serious?”

Kara nodded and said, “Sure. I’ll just tell him that I have a friend who lost a bet and has to do something kinky, and he’ll be glad to get his dick sucked. Then, I get to be a good little sister, too. Win-win.”

Jenna considered it. It was a better option than going around and asking strange men, who were complete unknowns, if she could suck their dicks.

“Okay,” she said, resigned, “When?”

“I need to meet with my keyholder, so I’ll message you afterward. We’ll do it tonight.”

Jenna nodded and said, “Alright.”

Dressed, the two girls made their way downstairs, where Jenna made a brief introduction of her new bestie to her parents. Kara departed, and Jenna sat through dinner at the table, morose and flushed, the belt teasing her. She was starving, though, and ate everything before heading back upstairs.

Now that she had a moment when there was not adrenaline or terror coursing through her, and her arousal was fairly low in comparison to the norm, Jenna had some time to breathe. Sipping from a bottle of Obsequium, she opened the Edge page and began to explore more of it. Outside of the challenge screen, she found other features, including her trust score in her user profile. The ability to edit the profile was currently locked and a message stating, “Obtain rank 10 to unlock customization,” hovered over the grayed-out fields. Her trust score stood at 100% with two reviews.

Curious, she tapped at it. The page displayed a star rating, both reviews showing five stars. The first was from Kara, whose picture she recognized, as well as her player number. The score showed two rated interactions, both the same rating. The second player’s rating showed a profile picture of the hunter, who she saw was a Rank eighteen Hunter class going by the player name StimShot. Apparently, forcing her to a humiliating public orgasm had made him happy.

She clicked on Kara’s photo, which opened her keyholder’s profile. Jenna found Kara’s own trust score, a stellar 99.7% with thirty-six rated interactions from both low and high-level players. It also included three ratings of five stars each from someone named SysAdmin, whose profile photo was the all-seeing eye. That made Jenna shudder. In reciprocation, she left Kara two five-star ratings. It was the least she felt she could do.

She flicked the profiles away and spent the rest of her time perusing the very detailed rulebook, while she waited for Kara.


Enjoying Edge? You can pick up the full novel, containing 30 chapters in the shop right now!

Curious about Halo technology? Read Love, Lust, and Erin. This story is available as a free read on the site. You can also, pick up a copy in the shop.

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