A week before Christmas, the words out of Kenna's mouth were not the words a divorced father expects to hear.
"Dad? Can I give you a blowjob?"
Art wasn't sure he'd heard the words correctly. It wasn't that Art was hard of hearing. It was simply the words were so unexpected that he questioned his hearing, his state of mind, and his daughter's ability to correctly voice her thoughts.
"Can I give you a blowjob?" Kenna asked again
Art's face screwed up into a mask of concern and incredulity.
"You certainly cannot," he said. "Why would you ask me that, Kenna?"
It was obvious to Art, by Kenna's reaction, that this was not the response she'd expected. She looked as if she'd been slapped. Her pretty blue eyes filled with tears, which she quickly hid, placing her hands over her face and looking down. Her long blonde hair fell over her eyes, further masking her reaction. Then she ran away.
Art sat back and let out a long sigh. Had he overreacted? He didn't believe so. What sort of reaction had Kenna expected with a question like that? It was wholly inappropriate.
Kenna, however, was not exactly the brightest girl. Art did not want to think of his daughter as stupid, ditzy, or lacking in common sense. He had, at times, thought of the term "bimbo," which immediately made him feel guilty.
Kenna did, in many ways, fit this classic stereotype. She was a middling student, having barely graduated high school. Kenna's tits were very large, having taken after her busty mother. Her hair was blonde, eyes blue, and she sported long, fake nails which were more important to her than studying had been.
Kenna did not digest intellectual material or media. She preferred dimwitted, big-breasted celebrity catfights to documentaries. She bobbed her pretty head to the annoying and trashy lyrics of singers with names like Bratty Brit, Kelsey Cans, or Wet Wendy. Given the choice between a book and a screen, Kenna would gravitate toward her phone.
It was because of these things that Art had a familiar sense of guilt because of his understandable reaction. Perhaps Kenna simply hadn't understood the import of her words. He concluded, then, that he should go and talk to her.
He found Kenna in her room, on her bed, with her plump, round, unfortunately-amazing ass pointed toward the door. Clothed in only a layer of thin cloth, Art was confronted with his daughter's bubble butt, as well as the sight of puffy eighteen-year-old pussy between her parted legs. He knocked lightly on the door but Kenna continued to quietly sob into her pillow.
Art took a seat on the edge of the bed and debated where to place a comforting hand. He chose to rest it on her shoulder, squeezing it gently as he said, "Honey, don't be upset. Let's talk."
Kenna shook her head.
"I just want to understand why you thought it was appropriate to ask me something like that. I'm not mad."
Kenna sniffled, peeked out from her hair curtain, and said, "I want a car."
"A car? Kenna, we already talked about that. You have to save money to buy a car."
Kenna turned on her side, which presented Art with her incredible, far-too-large breasts. It wasn't right that Kenna's breasts were as large and perfect as they were. It wasn't right that she should choose to wear crop tops or tube tops, displaying her cleavage.
"But that means I have to work," Kenna whined. "I have to go to Taco Hut or Burger Bill's, and I don't want to make tacos and burgers! I can't! What would it do to my nails?"
Art shook his head. "Honey, everyone has to work."
"Mom doesn't," Kenna reminded him.
"Most everyone," Art corrected. "Jerry's rich, so your mom doesn't have to work. I'm not rich. Sorry."
"That's okay, Daddy," Kenna said.
"So, you thought that by… making the suggestion you did, that I'd buy you a car?"
"Well, Jerry said he got Mom a new car for Christmas because she gives a world-class blowjob."
"Jerry said this to you?" Art asked as he grew angry.
"No! Not to me. He said it to Travis and I just heard it."
Art's anger cooled. Why his ex-wife's new husband was discussing his new wife's dick-sucking skills with his son (while odd) was not Art's business. It was, however, disconcerting to have them discuss it in Kenna's earshot.
"And then I asked Mom about it," Kenna continued. "She said that a girl can get anything she really wants if she knows how to blow the right man."
"Your mother actually said this to you?"
Kenna nodded. "So, I thought that I could learn how to give you a blowjob and you could get me a car. Then I wouldn't have to go to Taco Hut."
Art nearly laughed out loud but he did not. It was, unfortunately, an actual thought in his daughter's head. It sounded reasonable.
"Kenna, that's not the way you get ahead in life."
"Well, Mom used to give you blowjobs, right? And you bought her a car. She didn't have to work."
Art resisted the urge to slap himself repeatedly in the face.
"Kenna, your mom and I were married. When you're married, it's an appropriate thing to do. Married people have sex and do all kinds of other things. Do I have to explain to you why it wasn't appropriate to ask me what you did?"
Art realized, from the puzzled expression on Kenna's face, that he did in fact need to explain it.
"Honey, you don't do things like that for your father. You don't do them for your brother, or step-brother—in fact, you should never do that for anyone."
"But I want a car," Kenna whined.
Art shook his head. "Kenna, if you want a car, you need to learn the value of work and get one for yourself. That's how you get by in life. You depend on your skills and not on someone else."
He stood up, took a step toward the door, and halted as Kenna said, "I guess I could ask Jerry."
Art whirled. "You will not ask Jerry."
Kenna's genuine look of confusion was both heartbreaking and maddening.
"Well, if he got Mom a car, he might get me one," Kenna said. "Why can't I ask?"
"You can't. That's all there is to it. You will not do any such thing. Do you hear me?"
Kenna rolled her eyes and said, "Fine."
Art started toward the door once more, pleased that he'd put a stop to this nonsense.
Art resisted the urge to bang his head against the doorframe.
"Yes, Honey?"
"What if my skills were like being really good at blowjobs?"
Art was silent for a long moment. He considered himself a good father. His ex-wife wasn't happy with his modest income and it hadn't worked out. He hadn't been a bad man. He'd never cursed, yelled, or beaten a woman. Why then, had The Lord seen fit to give him a daughter with the intellect and body of a sex doll? What sin had he committed?
"Kenna," he said, turning back. "Blowjobs are not a skill. Well, they're not a life skill. Well, they are but— You are not going to be really good at blowjobs!"
Kenna seemed to consider this, but then she said, "I could just be good enough to get a car first, and then get better until I could get other stuff!"
"Oh, my God," Art muttered. "We're done with this talk. No blowjobs for you. Ever. Alright?"
Kenna looked defiant as she said, "You can't tell me what to do. You're not my real dad!"
"Kenna, I am your real dad. Jerry is not your real dad. I can tell you what to do as long as you live in my house."
Art was halfway through the door before Kenna said, "How many blowjobs would I have to do to have my own house?"
Art resisted the urge to run his head through the wall. He was not a pervert. He was not a degenerate. He was, however, a realist.
He also understood that Kenna was stubborn. She'd been faced with a fact. Her mother got things she wanted by being good at sex. Therefore, if she were good at sex, she could have things she wanted, and she would not have to work for them. Kenna watched other women get things they wanted by being good at sex. There was nothing Art could do to dispel this notion, and he had to face reality.
The reality was that Kenna was going to start sucking dicks. She was going to suck the dicks of men who were interested in her for her ridiculous endowments, rather than her personality. True, her personality was not exactly covetous, but she was his daughter. That meant he had something of a duty to protect her from actual predators.
"Alright," he finally said.
"Alright," Art repeated. "If you can give a world-class blowjob, you can have whatever car you want."
"Really?" Kenna squealed.
"Really. But you don't get houses with blowjobs. Even a world-class blowjob doesn't get you a house."
"It doesn't?"
Art shook his head. "Being a world-class sex doll gets houses. World-class blowjobs get cars. But it's not a one-and-done deal. It's like… like a contract. Like payments or a subscription."
"As long as you deliver world-class blowjobs during the length of the loan, you keep the car."
"How long is that?"
"Usually about five years. Longer if it's a more expensive car."
Kenna considered this only for a moment. "Okay! Like how many blowjobs is that?"
"A lot. Like… a lot. Pretty much whenever Daddy's dick is hard, you give it a world-class blowjob."
"Okay," Kenna agreed. "What if I want a house?"
"World-class sex doll," Art said. "One step at a time. Can you give a world-class blowjob? You can't even start thinking about being a world-class sex doll until you can give a world-class blowjob. That's the foundation of being a sex doll."
"I think so. It doesn't seem hard," Kenna said.
"Alright. We'll have to see. I'll teach you but you're not always going to like it."
"How come?"
"Giving a blowjob is easy. Giving a world-class blowjob is a whole other thing. You think your mom drives a Bentley because she gets by on giving a plain old blowjob? No. Jerry did use the term 'world-class' blowjob, right?"
"Okay. World-class blowjobs mean you've mastered the art of sucking dick in every conceivable scenario."
"How many is that?" Kenna asked.
"I won't lie, honey. It's a lot. You've got your kneeling, slow, wet, sloppy blowjob. Face-fucking, throat jobs, throat fucking, 69, tits-up and head off the bed, the TV time slow suck, the cock sleeve, Daddy's good girl, Daddy's bad girl. There's the What's Mine is Yours (that's for friends), the classic mouth fuck. You've got your Nose to the Grindstone, Nose to the Grindstone with tongue on the balls, the Gloryhole. Oh! The finger up the butt suck-off—male and female—and then ass-to-mouth. That's a little advanced and kind of falls into the sex doll category, but it's a necessary part of the toolbox."
"That many?" Kenna asked.
"Oh, that's not even close," Art continued. "The usual, the Stand and Blow, The Twisted Usual, the Sit and Blow, the Plumber. Oh, hell, almost forgot road head. The inverted 69, Sideways 69, Game's on, the Sword Swallower, the North Pole, Oral Therapy, Southern Exposure, The Jack Hammer. Tea bag—that's a good one. Of course, then you have to know when to spit, swallow, or take it on the face, the tits, the tummy. When should you gag, choke, or inhale the dick? Hell, you also need to be able to do each one when you're tied up."
"That's so much," Kenna said, as the gravity of her request sunk in. "Tied up?"
"Honey, a world-class blowjob is something that normally takes years of training. A world-class blowjob girl, like your mom, is a dedicated cocksucking slut through and through. They don't just 'give a blowjob'. They live for it. They wake up with dick on the brain and they go to bed with dick in their mouth. That's the kind of dedication it takes to get through life on your suck skills. Can you handle that? Are you going to cry when he calls you names, slaps your face, or makes your eyes water when he's cutting off your air supply to get his nut?"
Kenna had not seemed to consider this, however, she was not yet deterred. "Why would he—you—call me names?"
"Because it's sexy," Art explained. "I know it sounds like a lot of work, and it is. They don't call it a blowjob for nothing. Nothing in life comes free. Everyone has to work. Some jobs are just different from others."
"Like what kind of names?"
"Well, slut for starters. That's kind of the go-to. Whore, bimbo, cocksucker, dicksucker, cum dumpster, cum junkie, cum hole, cum rag, cock gobbler, cum slut, cock slut. Sometimes you mix it up with modifiers like stupid, dumb, silly, hot, those kinds of things."
"I… I guess so," Kenna said.
"Alright. Let's get started."
"You're the one who wants a car, right?"
"Okay. Yeah. What do I do?"
"Well, first, you need to understand presentation. Does your man like you to wear something sexy or does he want you naked?"
"I… I don't know."
"Of course, you don't, slut," Art said. "It's your job to ask first. Over time, you'll start to pick up these things. For now, you just ask."
"How… how do you want to do it?"
Art shook his head. "Not like that. A world-class blowjob girl knows how to talk dirty, too. You ask it in a sexy way, in a way that makes the dick hard."
"But I don't know how," Kenna whined.
"That's why you're learning, cocksucker. Ask me like this."
Art took her hand and placed it on his cock.
"Now you run your hand over it a bit and you look up at me. Eye contact is important. It's one of the most important things. Good eye contact will get you far. Now, a world-class blowjob girl is desperate for the cock. It's her livelihood. She only cares about getting that dick as often as possible and making it feel and look good for her man. Chin up. Good girl. Now you say, 'Daddy, can I please suck your cock?'"
Kenna ran her hand over his bulge as she looked up into his eyes and asked, "Daddy? Can I please suck your cock? I really want it."
Art put his hand on her head and said, "That's good, slut. The little begging at the end was a nice touch. Yes, you can suck Daddy's cock."
"Do you… do you want me to take off my clothes?"
Art reached down and pulled up her shirt, saying, "Daddy wants to see your big tits while you suck his cock."
Kenna blushed as her father pulled up her top, revealing her huge, braless melons. He put his hand on one and squeezed it as Kenna continued rubbing his cock.
"Pull it out, dicksucker," he said. "Pull out Daddy's cock."
Kenna's trembling hands unzipped his pants and worked clumsily at his belt until she got it unfastened. She began to tug them down until Art said, "Stop."
Kenna looked up. "Eye contact," he said, pointing to his eyes. "And you don't tug the pants down. You work them off, slowly, like you're revealing the prize. The dick is what you want. You're a blowjob slut who wants to savor the candy. The dick is the candy. You unwrap it and admire its sweetness before you put it in your mouth."
Kenna nodded, keeping her eyes trained on his, and resumed lowering his pants a bit more slowly. They slid down his legs, leaving Art in his boxer briefs, with a hard-on pressing against the tight fabric.
"Oh," Kenna said. "It's… it's big."
"Every dick is big, honey. That's what a blowjob slut says, anyway. It doesn't matter if it's actually big. Guys want to hear their dick is the biggest, fattest, longest, and most delicious dick you've ever sucked. Now, you don't just go for it. You press your lips against it and tease it. Sometimes, Daddy will pull it out himself and push it in your mouth. Other times, he wants you to do it. Right now, it's important that you do it. This is what you wanted, right?"
"Yeah," Kenna said as she pressed her lips against his cock and kissed it, staring up at him.
Her hot breath against his cock made it jump and Kenna flinched back. Art's hand latched onto the back of her head and pushed it to his crotch again.
"You don't flinch," he said. "You're a blowjob slut. You don't fear the dick. The dick fears you."
"The dick fears me," Kenna mumbled as her father mashed her lips against his hard-on.
"Right. Now you pull them down and lick your lips."
Kenna pulled his briefs down, licking her glossy lips as his prick sprang out in her face. It slapped her in the eye but she didn't flinch. She groaned.
"Good girl," Art said. "Now, show Daddy what you've got."
Kenna swallowed and opened her mouth, putting her lips over his cockhead. She stared down the length of his shaft and bobbed her head slowly, taking it past his crown. Art gave her cheek a quick slap and pointed at his eyes. Kenna blushed, looked up, and tried again.
This time, she took his first few inches before she began sliding her lips up and down his cock. Art put his hand on her head and guided her down, pushing more of his meat into her mouth until her eyes began to narrow with the effort.
"Well, honey," he said as he let her up. "You're a third-rate cocksucker at best."
Kenna pulled her mouth off his cock, her eyes misting up.
"Hey, don't cry, honey," he said. "No one expects you to start throating cock on your first try. It's a process."
Kenna nodded and wiped at her eyes. "Now open that pretty mouth and start acting like a good suck slut, alright?"
"Yes, Daddy," Kenna said and opened her mouth, sealing her lips around his shaft again.
Art guided her movements up and down his cock, interjecting with helpful tips as she worked.
"Swirl your tongue around it… Now twist your head as you go down. Good… Eyes up, cocksucker… Now just suck on the head a bit…"
To her credit, Art did not have to instruct her in one area. Kenna made soft, sexy, mewling, whimpering, and moaning sounds as she sucked. The sounds were real enjoyment, as evidenced by the fact that one of her hands rubbed her cunt every now and again.
While Kenna was not a very good blowjob girl, there was a perverse novelty and excitement in having his sex doll of a daughter eager to suck his cock. Art had also not had a blowjob in over a year. Therefore, it wasn't long before his prick twitched with the need to ejaculate.
"Daddy's going to cum on your face, cocksucker. Don't flinch."
"Mm, hm," Kenna mumbled around his cock.
Art pulled her head back and groaned as he fired a fat rope of cum across her pretty face. Kenna did not flinch. She did moan, which only made the second blast across her lips more enjoyable for Art. She rubbed her cunt furiously as he delivered a third shot across her face, and a weaker fourth right into her open mouth.
"Now you lick it off your lips," he instructed as he released her hair. "Use your finger to scoop it up and push it into you mouth."
Kenna did as instructed, licking his semen from her lips and pushing a rope from her chin into her mouth.
"And leave the rest on your face," he said. "You'll wear that jizz like a badge of honor. A world-class cocksucker takes pride in her work, and she likes to show off her success."
"O… okay," Kenna said.
Art patted her head and said, "You got the job done. I'll give you that, cock slut."
Kenna beamed.
"It was pretty piss poor, but don't feel bad. We'll get you there."
Kenna deflated and hung her head.
"Hey, chin up, slut," Art said, lifting her chin. "You have the makings of a world-class blowjob girl. You really do. It just takes practice."
Kenna nodded.
"Let's go down and watch a movie. Daddy will put his dick back in your mouth and let you suck it until it's hard again, alright?"
"Of course, cock whore. We'll get there together. Leave your top off. Daddy will need to squeeze your tits a lot."
With a nice glaze of drying jizz on her face, Art settled his daughter in on the couch and fed his happy prick back into her mouth. While it hadn't been an easy choice, it was the right one. He couldn't have the girl asking that asshole Jerry for dick-sucking lessons. Jerry already had his ex-wife. There was no reason to cede another bombshell.
Art considered the TV. There was evening football, which had an appeal. Kenna could learn about giving head while the game was on. Given that she had so much to learn, though, Art settled on a different tack.
He engaged the browser and clicked over to a dirty blowjob site to further Kenna's education.
"How often do you watch porno?" he asked as he cradled her head and slowly pumped his dick into her mouth.
"Ma muk," Kenna mumbled.
"Well, it's a steady diet of blowjob porn for you then, cocksucker."
Following three entries of Ditzy Dick Lickers, Art's cock was back to full mast. Kenna made cute little mewling sounds each time he pumped his cock into her, and a steady river of warm spit soaked his balls. She hadn't taken Daddy's cock out of her mouth or complained about her jaw the whole time.
Art, however, figured it was time for a short break. His cock was throbbing, and he wasn't ready to give her another load yet. He needed a cooling-off period. He extracted his dick from her mouth, an action which was met by an unexpected whimper of disappointment from Kenna.
"Did I do something wrong?" she asked as she looked up from his lap.
The first helping of jizz had dried on her face, with flecks caked in her eyelashes and a crusty film on her cheek.
"No, jizz junkie. You're doing fine. Daddy's enjoying jerking off with your face. I just thought you might need a quick rest. How's your jaw?"
Kenna flexed her jaw and said, "A little sore but I'm okay. Was I doing a good job?"
"Well, you weren't really doing much but that was the point. A good blowjob girl is sometimes there just to be a warm hole to keep your cock in. In that respect, you were doing great. Daddy just needed a quick break. It's time for something new."
Art positioned his topless daughter on her back, hanging her head off the arm of the couch.
"We're going to do a depth test," he explained. "I need to find out what your gag reflex is like."
"Will it hurt?"
"It might be uncomfortable. You'll probably choke. That's alright, though. Choking on the dick isn't a bad thing. Sometimes, it's just what your man wants. I'll go slow this time, but you're going to have to learn to take it hard and fast, too."
"Okay… Daddy?"
"Will you… choke me with your cock?"
"Now you're learning, cocksucker. Good girl."
Art pushed his dick back into her mouth, slowly edging it down her throat. Without being told, Kenna snaked out her tongue, creating a nice little pocket for his cock to slide through. Art grunted with satisfaction as her tongue slid along the top of his prick, and his head made contact with her throat.
Kenna's chest gave a slight heave as he pushed forward, backed off, and went in again. She shuddered again, made a choking noise, but he continued until his nuts hit her nose. Her body shook but she didn't try to pull away.
"Breath through your nose, throat whore," he said soothingly as he placed his hands on her tits and squeezed.
Kenna moaned around his cock while he held it there a moment. When he pulled it out, he remarked, "Not bad. You've got a little reflex but we can get that trained up quick. Sit up."
Kenna sat up, her face red and a trail of goo across her face.
"I… I can do it. It wasn't that bad."
"Alright, let's give it a go. Put your stupid head back."
Kenna lay her head back again, saying, "Daddy? Do you really think I'm stupid?"
"Of course not, you little bimbo. It's just part of what men like. They want you to be a dumb, pretty hole obsessed with cock."
Art pushed his dick into her mouth, silencing her reply, and sank to the balls. Kenna's chest heaved again at the sudden intrusion, but she only made a cute glurking noise and soldiered on. Art put his hands on her tits again, palming them roughly as he gently slid his prick back and forth. Each time he crammed his pulsing cockhead into his daughter's throat, she made that cute noise he liked and kicked her legs.
"It's going to get messy," he said as he pumped her mouth, "but I don't want to hear any complaints about how you're getting spit in your hair. Blowjob girls love that. The messier the better, alright?"
"That's daddy's fuck hole."
Art took a deep breath, centered himself, and pushed his twitching dick back in. Kenna glurked. Her legs kicked. Art squeezed her melons and held his throbbing hard-on in her throat.
"Just remember to breathe, suck slut. Daddy's not pulling it out until I either cum in your throat or you pass out. Make little swallow motions with your throat and massage Daddy's dick."
Kenna's breath out of her nose was hot and heavy on Art's balls as she did her best to comply. He pulled on her nipples, making her gurgle and kick her legs again. Her throat was heavenly as she tried to swallow his cock, gently massaging it, while a river of warm goo began sliding down her face.
She twitched again, her body jerking as she coughed and blew out a thick wave of slime around his prick. This was quickly followed by a muffled groan, though not of protest. Kenna, instead, moved her hand to her cunt and began to rub it.
"There you go, slut," Art said. "Just rub your pussy and don't think about anything but Daddy's cock."
Kenna slid her hand into her panties and Art watched, entranced, as she continued breathing in his cock and frigging herself. He hadn't instructed her to do it. It was a natural reaction. Kenna just might take after her mother in the dirty fuck slut department.
Remembering all the times he'd done this exact thing to his ex-wife made his cock jerk violently. He gritted his teeth. Kenna moaned around his cock. Art grunted, the sudden intensity of his nut catching him off guard.
Kenna half-squealed and half moaned, pushing her fingers into her cunt as her father's next load of jizz plastered her throat.
"Ah, fuck," Art said, pushing his cock even deeper into his new cock hole.
Kenna's back arched and she jerked from side to side. Art gripped her tits and held her in place, struggling with her body's in-built response to pull away from the hot streams of cock cream pouring into her throat. She choked again, her chest heaving, and another rush of mingled goop coated her face and Art's crotch. Still, she soldiered on, drinking her father's sperm load and jamming her fingers into her fuck box.
"Ah, fuck," Art groaned again, drawing in a breath and pulling his dick out of her mouth.
Kenna heaved in breath as she continued assaulting her cunt. Art stumbled back a step, taking in the sight of her ruined face.
"Oh, shit! Oh, Daddy!" Kenna cried and her body convulsed.
The slop coating her face had made her nearly unrecognizable. Her makeup was destroyed, running in black streams across her forehead and into her blonde hair. Her red lipstick was smeared across her mouth and even spotted her upper lip and nose. Gobs of semen, mixed with thick spit dripped onto the carpet.
She didn't sit up until her orgasm had subsided. Kenna pulled her sticky fingers from her cunt, her hand trembling, and she put them into her mouth. Art's cock, somehow, twitched as he watched her lick them. Finally, she sat up and looked from side to side, seemingly confused.
"Was that… okay?" she asked.
Art wanted to tell her it was perfect. It was worthy of a world-class blowjob. She'd taken a nice long throating without complaint, fucked herself while she did it, and hadn't stopped until his balls were drained. It was excellent.
"Not bad," he said, instead. "Not bad at all. We'll need to work on it a lot more, but you did alright, meat hole."
Kenna wiped the slime from her eyes and blinked.
"Stay right there," Art said, picking his phone up from the table. "We should document your progress. Like a football replay. We'll start doing it every time, and we can watch them back to see how you can improve."
"O… okay," Kenna said as Art took a picture of her jizz and spit-coated face.
He showed her the photo, saying, "This is like a… a C+ cock slut look. You want to be an A+. Don't worry, dick breath. We'll get you there."
"Oh, wow! I look really gross. Not like gross in a gross way. Like gross pretty."
Art patted her head. "You do, suck pump. You're going to stay like that for the rest of the night. By tomorrow morning, I shouldn't even recognize you."
"O… okay, Daddy."
Art rubbed his chin thoughtfully and said, "I think I need to make a quick trip out. I'll bring you back something to eat. In the meantime, you have homework to do."
He left her on the couch watching Bimbo Blowjob queens and made a trip to the store. If he was going to train a blowjob slut, there were things he'd need.
Kenna spent dinner at the kitchen table with a thick rubber dick in her cunt. The rubber dick was suction cupped to her chair.
"A world-class blowjob girl thinks about cock all the time," Art explained. "If you can't have one in your mouth, you should have one somewhere else. It's a constant reminder that getting ahead in life means never forgetting that you're a cock servant."
"But what if I have to go somewhere?" Kenna asked as she sat on the rubber dick.
"You'll wear special panties with a cock in them," Art said, as he placed a bag of suckers on the table, "and from now on, when you don't have dick in your mouth, you'll have one of these. You'll learn to toy with it, tease with it, and when someone looks at you, they'll imagine you sucking cock. It will also help you to always remember you need something in your mouth."
He pulled a white bottle from the bag and tore off the plastic on the cap.
"What's that?" Kenna asked.
"It's fake jizz," Art said and squirted a thick stream of the stuff across Kenna's salad.
"Ideally, I'd be able to cum all over anything you eat. Realistically, that's just not biologically possible. I can't cum in your mouth and on your food. Still, a world class blowjob girl will never put something in her mouth that doesn't remind her of her primary dietary need. Cum."
Art turned the bottle of fake jizz toward his daughter, squeezed it, and shot a stream of the goo across her face. By now, the spit and cum had dried, leaving a flaky film across her features. Kenna flinched but she didn't complain.
"When you're at home, and not expecting company, I expect you to look like you've been sucking cock, you are sucking cock, or you're ready to suck cock. Is that clear?"
"Yes, Daddy."
"Good girl. Now eat your jizzy salad so you can suck cock again."
Following dinner, Art treated Kenna to a round of Deep Throat Divas, followed by Skanky Skullfuckers. He did so with his cock in her mouth, gently masturbating with her face as she soaked in the techniques. Thanks to a little bit of herbal Viagra, he kept his hard-on up throughout the entire affair.
Rather than Kenna sleeping in her own room, she slept in his bed with his dick in her mouth. She sucked it slowly, cradling his balls and stroking his shaft until he fed her a good night load. Even after swallowing it, he kept her there, nursing his cock until he fell asleep.
In the morning, he awoke to Kenna lovingly suckling his knob. He lay back and let her work on it for a while before he sent her to shower. Before leaving for work, however, he put Kenna on her knees beneath the breakfast table, where she sucked cock until he coated her face in a hot wash of fatherly jizz.
"Make sure you do your homework today, cum hole," he instructed before he left. "And remember to keep that cock in you all day."
Kenna, toying with a sucker, nodded as she went to the couch and began studying.
Art was not happy. He'd argued against the engine test for over a week. It wasn't ready. Management, however, preferred to listen to Larry, who told them it was time to test.
The engine had blown, ruining months of work. Art's whole team was pissed and with good reason. The only good thing that had come from it was seeing Larry sacked.
However, as Art returned home from work, he was not a happy man. Even knowing there was a big-titted cocksucker waiting for him couldn't quite dispel his foul mood. He found Kenna where he'd left her, on the couch, a sucker in her mouth and the rubber cock in her cunt. She was bleary-eyed and clearly horny from watching blowjob porn the entire day.
While not the most observant girl, she did detect his anger the moment he entered the room.
"What's wrong, Daddy?" she asked, toying with the sucker and pushing the rubber cock deeper into her twat.
"Shit day at work," he said, dropping his pants and pulling out his cock. Kenna scrambled to her knees, opening her mouth as she sat on the rubber cock with a groan.
Art sighed, pushing his limp cock into her suck hole and placing a hand on her head.
"Those fucks in charge think they know better than me," he snapped, and pumped his dick into his daughter's mouth. "They want to listen to a fuck like Larry, who doesn't know shit."
Kenna groaned as her daddy thrust his cock angrily into her mouth.
"I've only been senior engineer for a fucking decade. What do I know? Oh, no. Let's ask Mr. Bachelor's degree in biochemistry. Clearly he knows more."
He put both hands on Kenna's head, gripping her hair tightly and making her squeal. He pumped his dick into her mouth again, a hard thrust that hit the back of her throat and made her jerk.
"Let's just blow up the whole project. That'll make the shareholders happy. Fuck, why didn't someone think of that sooner?"
Kenna made a glurking sound as he began battering her face with his hips, her hair held tightly in his fists, and his now hard cock jamming her throat.
"These goddamned suits will never get it. When the engineers say it's a bad idea, you… fucking… listen!"
He punctuated each word with a hard thrust into Kenna's suck hole, and soon she was gripping his legs as he fucked her face. Her grip tightened, nails digging into his skin as he relieved his anger on her mouth. He held her head to his crotch, stuffing his prick into her throat and fucking it as he growled.
Kenna glurked and choked, spurting sloppy spit that soon ran down her chin and onto her tits. Art, seemingly oblivious, continued angrily cramming his meat down her throat until he grunted and came. Kenna dutifully swallowed, her body spasming as she guzzled his load.
Finally, Art blinked and pulled his cock from her mouth.
"Aw, shit," he said. "I'm… I'm sorry, slut hole. I sort of forgot you were a person."
Kenna wiped spit and cum from her chin with one hand and tears from her eyes with the other.
"Was it… did I do it good?" she asked.
"Yeah, cum slut. That was perfect. A solid B+. Next time Daddy's angry, maybe just struggle a little more. It will make me want to slap you."
Kenna nodded as Art lay back on the couch heavily. When he did, she crawled forward, put her lips back around his cock, and looked up at him with her big eyes as she slowly sucked.
"Did you do your homework?" he asked.
Kenna pulled his dick from her mouth and said, "Yeah. I watched Throated Thots, Degraded Dicksuckers, Cum Targets, Sloppy Suck Sluts, and—"
"Too many words coming out of your mouth, cock hole. Daddy asked a yes or no question. What's your mouth for?"
Kenna blushed and began sucking his cock.
"That's better. No one wants to hear a cock hole talk. They want a cock hole to be wet, horny, stupid, and entertaining. When you're expected to say more words, I'll tell you."
Kenna nodded as she sucked his cock.
It was a risk, but Kenna had to learn sometime. After dinner, with Kenna in the passenger seat, Art took a drive out along a country road. The bench seat of the truck provided ample room for his daughter to learn the important lesson of giving roadhead.
As it was impractical for her to also fuck herself with the dildo, he had Kenna wear a pair of leather shorts with a built-in dildo in the crotch. As he drove, the toy vibrated inside her cunt and his cock was in her mouth. He drove the back roads for a good half hour, nutting in his daughter's throat before driving them home. Kenna, however, kept his dick in her mouth for the whole drive.
When they arrived home, Art's cock was once more ready for action, though he decided it was time for Kenna to have both a reward and another lesson. To this point, he had not touched his daughter's pussy. It wasn't really part of the training. A world class blowjob wasn't about fucking pussy, and Art had no intent to cross that line. He wasn't some kind of pervert looking to plow his little girl. This was simply to keep her from whoring out her mouth for someone who didn't deserve it, of course.
There was, however, a vital lesson a blowjob girl did need to know. Therefore, Art now stared into the very wet, very aroused pussy of his daughter as she lay on top of him and sucked his cock. It was a beautiful, tight, inviting pussy. It was a pussy that any man would be lucky to push his cock into. Art, though, did not push his cock into it. He pushed his tongue into it and was rewarded with a long, lusty groan from Kenna as she sucked more fervently on his dick.
Excited as she was, it didn't take her long to feed her father a steady stream of girl cum. In fact, she was so pleased by it that she humped his face desperately to a second orgasm. By the time it came, Art was squirting another load into her hungry mouth.
The following days were much like the last ones. Art slept with his cock in Kenna's mouth. He awoke to her sucking his cock. Before work, he coated her face in jizz. While he worked, Kenna watched a series of degrading blowjob porn, and she was eager to start sucking cock again when he got home.
Each day, Art gave her further lessons, a new position, or prompted her on how to improve. If he had to be honest, she was a grade A cockslut after the first day. However, this wasn't just about a passing grade. This was about the big leagues.
The whole time, he never referred to her by her name. She was cock hole, cum bucket, cock sleeve, dick sucker, or any other degrading name he could think up. A world class cocksucker, after all, should be more concerned with sucking cock than something silly like a name.
"You're really becoming an expert, suck hole," Art said on Thursday, as he drove to the car lot with Kenna's lips around his cock. "Let's find your dream car, and Daddy will start planning for it."
It was three days before Christmas, and Art was now off work through the upcoming holiday weekend. Nothing to do but enjoy his new cocksucker to the fullest. Kenna, though she was thrilled by this news, did not stop sucking cock to make words.
Though it was cold, Kenna flitted around the lot while a salesman followed them. She settled on an electric blue sports car, with a price tag that inwardly made Art squirm. However, he was a man of his word, and he had a lot of payments coming from his suck slut's mouth.
After settling on the car, Art signed papers to finance the gorgeous machine, and let Kenna drive it home. However, he had her park it in the garage and join him inside. She quickly knelt in front of him and began sucking cock, while Art sat on the couch.
"You've learned really quickly, you little bimbo. I honestly wasn't sure you were up to it, but you've proven me wrong. Almost. We've still got an important lesson to cover, and you might not like this one. But, a world-class cocksucker only cares about one thing. What is that?"
Kenna pulled her mouth off his cock and said, "Cock."
Art pushed his dick back into her mouth. "Good girl. Tonight, we're going to cover that lesson. Ass to mouth."
Kenna groaned around his cock, though it was not a groan of disappointment. Rather, it sounded like anticipation. Prior to the car trip, they'd spent the morning watching Butt-stuffed Cocksuckers and Anal Swallowers, so Kenna had an idea what was coming.
"What do you think of that, cock sleeve?"
Kenna stopped sucking but continued stroking his dick and said, "Daddy? Will you fuck my ass and then push it down my throat? Please?"
Without waiting for an answer, she began sucking cock again.
Kenna didn't like having her asshole cleaned out, but like a good girl, she didn't complain. In the end, it was for her benefit, and she understood that. Once it was done, though, she was ready for her first backdoor experience.
Art lay her on the bed and pulled a fresh bottle of anal lube from the bedside drawer, settling in behind his daughter with a slim pink vibrator. Kenna blushed red as her daddy spread her legs and drizzled a smattering of the lube into her butthole.
As he placed his finger at her entrance and began to rub it, Art said, "Daddy's going to go easy on you this time, butt slut. That doesn't mean it's always going to be this way. A world-class blowjob girl should be ready to take cock up the butt on command, and sometimes that will mean you don't get much but a little spit on the cock before he reams you."
"Thank you, Daddy," Kenna mumbled into the pillow.
Art slid the tip of his finger into her ass, pushing in some of the lube with it. He added a few drops more, worked them in, and then produced a plastic plunger. This, he slid into his daughter's asshole and depressed the plunger, injecting a stream of the lube into her anal passage.
He fisted the pink toy, coating it with more of the slick goo before slowly working it into Kenna's bottom. His daughter moaned into the pillow and lifted her ass, wiggling it slightly as the toy made its way inside.
"Daddy, it feels good," she said.
"Well, ass whore, you've got a butt that's made for humping. I think you're going to enjoy it."
Kenna began to pant hotly as Art fucked her ass with the toy, sliding it in and holding it deep before he pulled it back and greased her ass again. When he flipped on the vibrator, Kenna groaned loudly and began rubbing her cunt against the bed, while her father vibrated her asshole with the toy.
After several minutes of this, Art judged her butthole ready and slickened his hard dick with a little more of the lube. He removed the toy, straddled her ass, and placed the head of his cock at her hole. It was never quite like they showed in porn. The slick lube both made his access easier, but also a challenge for that initial entry.
Kenna's little asshole was also very tight, and she gasped loudly as his cock spread her open and his jerking knob vanished inside of her. Art's penis was surrounded by a wonderful warmth he hadn't felt in ages. His daughter's sweet, virgin hole gripped him, squeezing his hard-on as he gave her more of his length.
"Daddy… I like it," Kenna said. "I like your cock in my butt."
Art's prick jerked wildly, and he had to take a deep breath. He hadn't been ready for his own reaction to hearing those words.
"Do you like it?" Kenna asked as she wiggled her bottom. "Does it feel good in my asshole, Daddy?"
Art groaned, gripping her cheeks hard in his hands and pushing his throbbing dick deeper. "It's so good," he whispered.
Kenna gasped again as a pleasure wave rocked her body. Art's cock sank to the balls in her, and when he looked down and saw the whole of his shaft in her tight asshole, he had to take a moment to admire the beauty of it. Of course, he couldn't actually fuck his daughter's ass. That wasn't the point of the lesson. He still had to pull his cock out and feed it to her.
The sight of her glowing skin, her perfectly rounded ass, and his cock spreading her open, however, created a conflict. He'd accomplished the first step of the lesson. He should pull it out now and move on. Instead, he slid his cock back an inch and pushed it in again.
Kenna shuddered and her fists balled, gripping the sheets. The decision to pull his cock out was made more difficult when she moaned, "Oh, fuck, Daddy! I love your cock."
Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to just give it a little fuck. Just a few pumps in memory of her mother. He deserved that. There was an expensive sports car in the garage that he could barely afford. A few pumps of Kenna's tight, teenage bottom on Christmas weekend was sort of his due. Wasn't it?
He pulled his cock back and pushed it in again. Then again. Soon, he was leaning over her, his fists on the bed, and giving her short strokes over and over. Kenna pushed her ass back against him, huffing and moaning into the pillow as she whispered, "Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck my ass. Fuck your butt slut."
Art's own breathing was ragged after only a few minutes, his dick jerking as he gritted his teeth and pumped his prick into his daughter's heavenly asshole. He was on the verge. Between the girl's filthy mouth and the tight confines of her teenage butt, he was going to blow. He needed to pull out and complete the lesson.
It was one of the hardest things he'd ever had to do. Art, however, stayed on mission. He growled into her ear, "Daddy's gonna cum," and pulled his cock out. In the same motion, he rolled Kenna onto her back and mounted her chest, pushing his dick into her waiting mouth.
"Ah, fuck!" he cried as Kenna's warm lips sealed around his prick. "Jesus fuck!"
Only a second later, he plastered her mouth in an explosion of Jizz that made her eyes widen as she choked and swallowed. Art gripped her head in his hand and jammed his cock into her roughly. His spurting jizz burst from the corners of her mouth with the impact but Kenna kept on trying to swallow, even as his throbbing knob hit her throat.
"Fuck!" Art yelled. "Oh, fuck! Eat that jizz you cock whore! Eat Daddy's cum!"
Over the sound of Kenna's desperate swallowing, he could hear the wet squish of her fingers in her cunt. Even as she guzzled and tears streamed down her cheeks, she finger-fucked her pussy with abandon. Art's cock kept on delivering more streams of hot goo into her, a shocking amount. He couldn't recall having cum so long and so hard in years.
At last, though, the jolts of sperm came to an end. He was lightheaded and hot as he reluctantly pulled his cock from the wet confines of his daughter's mouth. Her mouth stayed open, showing him the last remnants of his load on her tongue before she closed it and swallowed.
"Was that okay?" she asked.
Art wanted to tell her the truth. He really did. It had been undeniable the best sexual experience he'd had in… he couldn't recall. Perhaps ever.
"Well, slut kitten," he said. "It was great. It was nearly perfect, in fact."
"What did I do wrong?" Kenna asked.
"Nothing at all. You did everything right. You went ass to mouth like a real world-class blowjob slut. That part's out of the way. There's just one more thing Daddy will need to teach you before I give you that kind of title."
"There is?"
Art nodded, spread her legs, and rubbed her wet cunt.
"Now that you can do ass to mouth, we'll need to go pussy to mouth. A world-class blowjob slut needs to know how her own pussy tastes on a cock."
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