Welcome to the third and final Meet the Cast post in preparation for the release of Controlled Descent! If you haven't yet met Katie and Charlotte, pop over and say hello. In this post, you'll get a preview of Tina's story arc before the release of the largest-ever Tori Hamlin tale next week.

Tina: The Enhanced Family Sex Doll
All her life, Tina was called names: Backboard, flatty, Tiny Tits Tina. Growing up with no tits gave her a complex. While other girls got attention, went on dates, or had exciting sexual encounters, Tina could only hope that one day she'd have tits.
Unfortunately, Tina's high school days passed, and even at 19, she was flat-chested. She put money away working part-time jobs, determined to one day have the glorious rack she dreamed of. Tits became Tina's obsession, a life-long yearning that seemed out of reach.
Her older brother, Kevin, has his own little obsession. Scratchoff tickets. Every day, Kevin is chasing the big hit. When his ship finally comes in, landing him an unexpected windfall, Tina sees an opportunity. If she can convince Kevin to put that money towards her enhancements, she's willing to do anything.
Doctor Hillard's clinic, offering the latest Maximizer treatments, is the perfect solution to Tina's tit problem. Not only will she avoid a long recovery, but the clinic is offering something special. If Tina opts into their sexual wellness study, she'll get half-price upgrades!
It's the opportunity of a lifetime. Great tits, a new outlook on life, and a team of professionals that will 'help' Tina adjust to life with big tits. Hillard's clinic, however, isn't interested in sexual wellness for the sake of its patients. Instead, they're serving the goals of a larger entity; one that's bent on global unity under their control.
They have their own ideas about how a girl with big tits is supposed to behave. Through days of conditioning, they'll teach Tina about life with big tits. It's a life of constant arousal and the kind of self-image a big-breasted sex doll needs to have.
How will Tina's new outlook on life change her family? Will she give in to her brother? Will her father and mother be able to keep their hands off her enhanced melons?
Chapter One: Tiny Tina
Tina's trouble was with her tits or, rather, her lack of tits. Tina wasn't blessed with a bountiful bosom. She had suffered through high school being called such names as "backboard," "No tits Tina," "Fun sized with a flatty," and "Nipple tits". While her classmates' chests grew to handfuls and larger, Tina still had a set of tits that would make an adolescent cry.
Tina bemoaned her lack of breasts to her mother, who simply consoled her daughter with words such as, "Not all girls are meant to have big ones." or "You should be proud of them. They suit you just fine." That was easy for someone with a pair of nice tits to say, but it didn't help Tina's body image.
Tina complained to her father, who squirmed uncomfortably and offered words such as, "You're very pretty, honey. You don't need big boobs to get by in life."
Tina, however, did not believe it. A girl with no tits was hardly a girl at all, in her opinion. All of her favorite singers, like Bratty Brit, Kelsey Cans, and Sailor Grift all had sets of big, round tits. The girls Tina worked with at Petsy the Peddler's shop all had melons of normal or larger size.
Katie had even been promoted to floor manager after only two months, and it wasn't because Katie was smart or worked hard. Tina was convinced it was because Petsy couldn't stop staring at Katie's big jugs, which she showed off in tight V-neck tops every day. Tina was further of the opinion that Katie and Charlotte's stronger sales figures came down to their tits, which the male patrons couldn't take their eyes off of.
Tits were not just an important thing to have; tits were one of those features that got one ahead in life, and if Tina was ever going to amount to anything, she had to have tits. Unfortunately, going into the summer before her freshman year of college, Tina still had embarrassingly small breasts.
Her impending first year of college was simply one more reason Tina felt agitated about her tits. She'd start her freshman year looking like a child in a grown-up world. The boys would want to date girls with big tits or even a generous handful. No one would want to date Tina and her tiny tits, just like in high school. Furthermore, the teachers would be harder on her, while the girls with large melons would have it easy.
It was while Tina sat lamenting her lack of tits once again, watching TV with her brother, Kevin, that a ray of hope came from an unexpected source. Kevin, older than Tina by two years, did little to assuage Tina's concerns over her breasts. Kevin was a tit man.
On the TV was an episode of Bikini Baddies, a comedy series in which scantily clad beauties worked as undercover crime stoppers on the sandy beaches of Miami. All of the Bikini Baddies had tits. Big tits. Tits that wobbled, bounced, and were the sole reason for the show's great ratings. It was simply further evidence to Tina that tits were what got a girl places.
It was not that Kevin did anything to exacerbate his sister's plight. He was not mean, and he didn't tease his sister about her lack of tits. However, when he listened to Tina's complaints, he simply nodded along and offered words such as, "Well, a nice rack is definitely a plus," or "There are plenty of guys who are into small ones. Don't let it get you down."
Kevin also had his own obsession, which Tina found a bit ridiculous, but she supposed everyone had their thing. After all, she recognized she had an unhealthy obsession with her tits. Kevin's "thing" was his scratch-off tickets. Her brother loved playing scratch-off lottery tickets, and he purchased them every day.
"Someday," he'd say, "I'm going to hit a big one."
Kevin had never hit a big one. He regularly won small amounts—$1, $5, $30, and once even a $500 win. Tonight, however, Kevin stood up abruptly from the recliner he sat in. Even the sight of the Bikini Baddies chasing down a criminal on a pair of pogo sticks couldn't distract Tina's brother from the ticket in his hand.
His mouth hung open. His eyes were wide.
"Holy fuck," he whispered. Then more loudly, he declared, "Holy fucking shit!"
This exclamation at last drew Tina's attention away from the TV.
"What?" she asked.
"I can't believe it," Kevin stammered.
"I got it," he said. "The big one."
"Good job," Tina muttered. "Now you can finally buy yourself a friend. As long as he costs less than a grand."
"I got it," Kevin said again, bewildered. "The big one."
It was only then that Tina actually paused long enough to take in her brother's complete and utter shock.
"How big?" she asked.
"The jackpot," Kevin said. "Fifty grand!"
Tina blinked in surprise and repeated, "Fifty? Like fifty thousand. Dollars?"
"No, seashells dumbass. Yes! Fucking dollars. Fifty. Thousand. Dollars!"
Silence hung in the air, broken only by the sound of the criminal on TV "complaining" about being treated roughly by the Bikini Baddies, who were sandwiching his face between two sets of massive tits in their attempt to subdue him.
"Bullshit," Tina then said.
Kevin walked over, showed her the ticket, and said, "Fifty grand!"
It was true. Kevin had hit the jackpot.
"No way!" she cried. "No way!"
"Fucking, way! Shit! Goodbye, knock-off rims. Hello Lexanis!"
As Kevin pumped his fist in the air, it was now Tina who was in disbelief.
"Wheels?" she said. "You're going to buy wheels?"
"Well, I still have to pay some tax, but it will be more than enough for a full set!"
Of course, watching her brother wave his ticket triumphantly, the only thing Tina could think about was her tits. That ticket was a set of tits. It was a set of glorious, life-changing knockers. And Kevin was going to put a set of chrome wheels on his shitty Jeep. It wasn't fair.
"Kevin!" Tina shouted. "Please. Please! You can't buy wheels!"
Kevin stopped waving the ticket and asked, "Why?"
Tina had never begged for anything. She had never groveled. She had, on several occasions, prayed to a God she didn't believe in for tits, but she had never before fallen on her knees and begged another person for something.
That, however, changed in an instant. Tina slid from the couch, got down on her knees, folded her hands, and looked up at her brother with the neediest, most doe-eyed, purely pathetic expression she could muster.
"Kevin, I've never asked you for anything," she said. "I've never been a shitty sister. I even helped you hook up with Amber Creek."
"She never put out," Kevin said wistfully. "God, I never even got to feel those big, juicy… Oh. Oh! Is this about your—"
"Please! You can buy me a boob job!" Tina blurted. "Kevin, please!"
Kevin looked at the ticket in his hand. He looked out the window, where his Jeep was parked in the driveway. He looked at the dirty set of generic wheels on the Jeep. Then he looked down at his sister's wide-eyed, pleading face. That cute little face. And he imagined her with a big set of tits.
He waffled. He hesitated. He looked from Tina to the ticket to the Jeep, and back to Tina.
"I don't know," he said. "Look, I still have to cash it in. It's going to take a few days, right? Let me think about it."
"Please," Tina begged again. "Please! I'll… I'll do all your chores for the rest of your life! I'll make payments back to you! Like a loan! I'll do all your homework!"
"You can't do my homework," Kevin said. "You haven't started college and you're not even going to take the same classes."
"I'll switch my major! I'll take the same classes. Please, Kevin! You have to buy me boobs!"
Kevin sighed, looked at the ticket, clutched it tightly, and said, "Let me think about it."
Chapter Two: Considerations
Kevin went to the lottery office the next morning, where he was surprised to have a check issued for his winnings within an hour. After filling out a ridiculous amount of paperwork in order to prove to the bank he was not laundering money, Kevin deposited his check in his account. A portion was set aside for taxes on his winnings, but after doing so, he was left with $30,000. While he had little knowledge of what a boob job would cost, surely it would be more than enough.
As he drove home, Kevin meandered. He cruised the city streets, deep in thought. He could buy his sister boobs. What were the advantages of doing so? Tina would be happy. Tina would love him for it. Tina would be grateful. For as long as he remained at home, he would get to see his investment. Tina would wear tops that would show off her new tits, and Kevin would get to look at them.
Only, he wouldn't be able to really look at them, because Tina was his sister, and staring at one's sister's tits was generally frowned upon. That made him think about the downsides of buying Tina tits. He would have to pretend not to notice them. He couldn't actually look at them, touch them, suck on them, or push his cock between them. They would, in reality, be nothing but a walking cocktease for the rest of his life.
As he continued to drive, Kevin imagined what Tina would look like with large melons. She was cute. More than cute, really. Aside from her lack of tits, Tina was (objectively) hot. She had an ass that he had, on occasion, jerked off to. She had a mouth that he had, on occasion, beat off to. She had wide anime-girl-like eyes, which he had, on occasion, imagined looking up at him as he pushed his dick into her mouth.
However, Tina's lack of tits had never made her more than the occasional jerk-off material. If Tina had tits, big tits, she would be… she would be ridiculously hot. But she would still be his sister, and he would never get any real benefit from buying her tits. In fact, he would be doing it in order to torture himself with lustful thoughts of the big melons he could never touch, never squeeze, never suck on, and never fuck. The only thing he'd be gaining out of it was Tina's thanks.
When he arrived home, he'd come to a decision. He would give Tina $2,000 to help her save up for a boob job. If she was serious about it, within a few years she could save up enough. That was what he'd do.
He knocked on Tina's door.
"Come in," she called.
She sounded happy. Kevin opened the door. Tina sat at her computer, and on her screen were tits. There were several pictures of tits. Medium-sized tits, large tits, and oversized funbags. But Kevin had made a decision.
Tina swiveled around, her eyes wide and her cute mouth turned up into a delighted smile.
"Look at these!" she said. "There's this doctor. Really good ratings. His work is amazing! And he's super affordable."
Kevin stood in the doorway, his eyes on the tits. His gaze shifted to Tina and her happy face, her expectant expression, those wide eyes and cute mouth. Then they shifted to her flat chest. No. It was just going to be torture.
"Like how much?" Kevin asked and mentally slapped himself on the forehead.
"Well. Um. Like seventeen?"
"Seventeen?" Kevin said. "Seventeen thousand?"
"Yes? Plus, taxes, pre-op, and post-op care?"
"Seventeen thousand?" Kevin said again.
Tina bit her lip. Her eyes widened. She really was cute.
"It says that most surgeries end up around twenty… thousand. That's still enough for wheels, right?"
Kevin frowned. It was tight, but it might actually be enough. If the costs were correct. Still, it would leave him completely tapped, his winnings gone, and still nothing to show for it but wheels and a constant reminder of the glorious melons he couldn't touch, couldn't squeeze, suck on, or fuck.
"Tina," he said, "I'll give you two grand to help you save up. That's what I can do."
His sister's face fell in an instant. He'd shattered her hopes, destroyed her dreams, taken away all that was good and holy in her world. He could see the tears well up in her eyes.
Kevin wavered. Why did she have to cry?
"Look," he said. "I want to help but that's a lot of money. And I know this might sound selfish, but what do I get out of this?"
"I'll do anything!" Tina said as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Please! I'll do anything you want. I'll clean your room every day. I'll scrub the toilets and the shower. You'll never need to lift a finger! I'll be… like your maid! Please, Kevin!"
And then Kevin uttered the words that would make Tina's tears stop, though not because he agreed.
"Would you let me touch them?"
Tina blinked away her tears and asked, "What? Touch them? My boobs?"
"The new ones," Kevin said. "Would you let me touch them?"
"I mean… I guess once they've healed. Like to see if they feel real."
Had Kevin perhaps masturbated that morning, the conversation might have gone differently. However, Kevin's dick was hard from thinking about Tina with a set of large melons for the last two hours. He hadn't relieved himself, and now here was Tina, on her knees in front of him. Behind her were sets of gorgeous, round tits, and as Kevin looked down, he pictured his sister on her knees with a set of those tits. And all he could think about was how sexy she would look with those tits wobbling as he thrust his cock into her mouth.
"If I'm paying for them," he said, "that sort of means they're actually my boobs. If they're my boobs, that means I should be able to do what I want with them, right?"
"And if I want to touch them, or squeeze them, or play with them, then I should be able to. Because I paid for them, right?"
"Well, I guess. But that's— wouldn't that be gross? Like incest?"
"Do you think it would be gross?" Kevin asked.
"I hadn't really thought about it. Why would you want to do that?"
"I'm a tit guy?" Kevin suggested. "And what's the point of buying tits if you can't actually do anything with them?"
Tina shifted on her knees, looked at the tits on the screen, and then back to her brother.
"So, if I let you touch them sometimes, you'll do it?" she asked.
And then Kevin realized the leverage he had. He saw the desperation, the hope, the need his sister had for a set of big tits.
"No," he said.
"But you said you wanted to touch them?" Tina said, confused.
"If I were to invest $20,000 into something that provided a return," Kevin said, "I could set myself up pretty nice after a while. If I invest it into boobs, what kind of return can you offer me?"
"I'd be grateful?" Tina suggested. "Like really grateful? You'd… you'd be making Jesus really happy for being so nice to your sister?"
Tina looked back at the screen once more.
"Okay. If you do it, you can touch them. You can… you can squeeze them if it doesn't hurt. And you can play with them sometimes as long as Mom and Dad don't find out."
"It's $20,000," Kevin said.
"Well, what else do you want?" Tina asked, perplexed.
Kevin thought about it. He knew exactly what he wanted. As hard as his cock was, though, and even holding all the cards, he couldn't make himself say it.
"Okay," he said at last. "I'm going out for a bit. Here's what I want you to do. Find a set you really like. Then go look at porn."
"Go look at porn," Kevin said again. "Look at all the things that guys like to do with tits. If you can do that, I'll buy them."
And before Tina could manage a reply, Kevin swiftly shut the door and fled the house with his heart racing.
It was early in the evening when Kevin got up the courage to return home. Tina hadn't called. She hadn't sent a text. She'd been silent.
This conjured possible scenarios in Kevin's mind. She could have decided to agree. She could have told his parents about the whole thing and labeled him a disgusting pervert. She could have given up on the idea and still thought of him as a disgusting pervert. He couldn't quite believe he'd said those things himself.
He finally arrived home, and when he opened the door, his father's voice boomed out from the living room.
"Kevin? Come in here, please!"
Kevin walked toward the living room, his legs weak and shaking. When he rounded the corner, Tina sat with their parents. Kevin's blood ran cold. He was doomed. He'd be homeless.
"So," Brian said. "You finally got the big one?"
"Um, yeah?" Kevin said.
"And you're sure this is what you want to do with it?" Laura asked.
Kevin frowned. He looked at Tina, who was smiling. Broadly.
"I guess?" Kevin said.
"Well, I think it's wonderful," his mother said. "It's very selfless and grown-up of you."
His father nodded agreement and said, "I guess I did something right."
"You did?" Kevin asked.
"Most kids would spend money like that on a bunch of nonsense," his father said. "Now don't get me wrong, I think buying fake boobs is a bit of nonsense, too, but I know what it means to your sister. And I'm proud of you for thinking about her happiness."
Then his father stood and clapped him on the shoulder, saying, "It's the mark of a good man. Putting other people first, especially your family."
"It is?" Kevin asked.
His mother gave him a hug and also stated, "You're a good boy. Er, young man."
They left the room, leaving a stunned Kevin to puzzle over Tina's grin. She nodded toward the stairs and got up, indicating he should follow. He did, staying silent until Tina had led him into her bedroom and shut the door.
"You told them I was buying you boobs?" he hissed.
"Um, yes?" Tina said, putting her hands behind her back and shuffling her feet cutely. "I couldn't just like show up with big boobs like 'surprise!'"
"I didn't actually agree," Kevin said.
"Well, I did like you said. I looked at the porn."
Kevin blinked. "You did?"
Tina blushed and nodded. "Yeah. All afternoon. Look, this is important to me. It's like all I ever wanted. And I know I'm asking you for a lot. You're right. You should get something for spending all that money."
It was now Kevin who blushed furiously under his little sister's gaze.
"So," she said, "if you'll do it, if you'll pay for my boobs, you can do stuff with them."
Kevin's brain refused to acknowledge the words.
"You can… you can touch them," Tina whispered. "And squeeze them. And play with them. You can… you can suck on them, and lick them, and put your— You can put your dick between them."
Kevin's cock responded to the mental image of Tina's cute face, red and excited as he pushed his cock between her big tits. His sister's big tits.
"I mean, it's kind of weird, but it'll be worth it. I'll finally have real boobs! Well, not real real boobs, but you know. And I did say I'd do anything. So…"
"You're bullshitting," Kevin said. "It's bullshit."
Tina shook her head vigorously and said, "It's not! I mean it. If you get me boobs, you can do all that stuff." She took a step closer, invading Kevin's space, placing her body within inches. She leaned up and put her lips to his ear.
"You can do all that stuff. You can squeeze my big tits. I'll let you lick them, suck them, and even fuck them. You can do all that stuff you made me watch guys do. Jerk off and cum on them, squeeze them together, slap them a little bit, pull on my nipples."
"Oh, God," Kevin whispered.
"Are you going to say yes? Will you buy me boobs?"
Kevin nearly crumbled. But he held out a moment longer. She almost had him.
"I'll think about it," he said.
But then Tina reached down, touched his hard prick through his pants, and whispered, "I'll even suck your cock. I'll suck your cock and let you fuck my big tits."
Kevin groaned. But he still held out. He shook his head.
"After I pay for it, you'll just go back on it. You won't do it."
And in response, Tina got on her knees, looked up at her brother, took a breath, and unzipped his pants.
"Uh, uh," she said.
Kevin's looked down at her through a hot haze of disbelief. What was actually happening here? Was she really going to— Tina pulled his cock out and slid her wet lips around it.
"Oh, fuck," Kevin groaned.
Tina was not an experienced cock sucker. She'd done it a couple of times, but Tiny Tits Tina hadn't been asked on a lot of dates. Still, she had spent the entire afternoon watching girls with big tits. She'd watched them suck cock and get fucked for hours. And in that time, she'd learned some basic skills from observation.
Kevin, however, having gone the entire day imagining his sister with large jugs, had been fantasizing about Tina for much longer. Within only a minute of having her hot, sucking mouth around his neglected hardon, he gripped her head, pushed his cock into her throat, and began to flood it with goo.
Tina squealed and gurgled as her brother unleashed his day's load into her, but she held onto his legs as tightly as Kevin held her head to his crotch and she swallowed. Kevin's legs shook as he gripped her head, feeling as if his soul were pouring out of his cock into his sister's mouth. It was simultaneously the worst and best blowjob he'd ever experienced.
Finally, his grip eased and he let Tina up. She pulled his wet cock from her mouth, gasped loudly, and wiped her hand across her red, teary eyes. After a few more breaths, she licked her lips, coughed, and wiped her eyes again. She looked up at Kevin, eyeshadow smeared across her face.
"Was that okay?" she asked. "Did I do it right?"
Kevin nodded, stunned, and said, "Yeah. That was… that was good."
"I can get better," Tina said. "I promise. I can get a lot better."
Kevin nodded again.
"So, you'll do it?" Tina asked, her big eyes wide, pleading, red, and stained with eyeshadow and tears.
Kevin, looking down on her, could not say no. He had to do it. He had to see her with big tits. He had to fuck them, squeeze them, cum on them, push his cock into her mouth again, and again. He needed to spray incestuous cream across her melons and her face. And he… had to fuck her. He had to fuck his sister.
Start the year off with a sweeping erotic epic in Controlled Descent.
