With the year half over and a lot of projects ahead, I'm going to use this month's roadmap to cover what's planned out for the rest of the year. As always, the roadmap is sort of a, "this is where I want to go," deal. At times, I'll probably see something shiny, pull off an exit, and get lost for a while. But that's usually where the best stuff comes from.
Korrupting Kayla: The Traitor's Council
Initially, my plan was to have a book titled, The Traitor's Council released between Kayla Two and Kayla Three. Having taken some time to mull over the idea, I've decided to combine them into a single large story. The two books are connected, and telling their stories together will actually make them much more satisfying.
In Vicky's Inheritance and Kayla Two, we learned about the remaining daughters of the now-somewhat deceased DomCo leader. Part of Kayla and Vicky's task is to bring them into the fold. Those daughters that he was able to contact turned down his offer to prove themselves worthy of inheritance. Twelve others remain. They will need to be shown the light.
These wayward daughters make up The Traitor's Council, alongside Kayla and Vicky. Throughout the rest of the DomCo series, we'll see them use their talents and abilities to push the company's dominance of the world forward.
This dovetails into Tiffany's role as a recruiter. Once we see Tiffany complete her training at the indoctrination facility, she'll be set loose to aid in gathering the remaining daughters.
Poor brain-damaged Kayla, with her mind warped by the hours of conditioning, brainwashing, and drunk on her newfound power, will show less and less compassion toward the world's innocent female population. As their cruelty and power grow, who will be able to stand in the way of Vicky and Kayla's tyrannical rule?
This title is tentatively scheduled for July/August.
Molding Mona
The next release will (as of now) be a shorter one that will be wrapped up and ready for release next week. The title is subject to change. You know I like my alliteration. This story details the misadventures of Mona, a Freshman college student attending an inclusive university.
Thanks to the recently passed BIGFINCOC laws, many schools are beginning to adopt the equal time for alternative worldviews curriculum. As mentioned in Kayla Two, this part of the law requires equal time for courses on patriarchal theory, alongside those on feminist theory.
Mona doesn't like the new class she has to take. She thinks its degrading and gross. However, some things her bimbo instructor espouses begin to make her doubt herself. Is she really an animal who is controlled by the feelings from her cunt? Does she actually exist purely for service, procreation, and entertainment? Find out by reading about Mona's downward slide into sluttiness, coming soon!
Slutty Shorts: Volume Four
I released the first short from the new collection, More than she Bargained for. Slutty Shorts Volume Four is, as with all the short collections, sort of a mashup of those one-off ideas for things that are just fun.
Since Cheerloathing took up a significant portion of my time, I didn't get all of those stories finished up as quickly as I wanted to. After finishing that massive story, I intend to use some time in June to put the finish on that collection, once the Mona story is out.
Here's a preview of some of the other stuff you'll find in the new collection. These stories all run from around 1K-10K words.
Home School: Kaitlin is being bullied at school and her teacher just won't help.
Night Lessons: Each night when Cali goes to bed, strange things happen. She wakes up nude, after being restrained and edged. In the morning, her family acts as if nothing has happened? Who is behind these nightly visits?
Hate Fuck: Kendra's brother is an asshole. When she finds that he's fucking her best friend, his other sister, and even his mother, Kendra begins to wonder what her older brother has that's making him so popular with the ladies.
Dirty Words: Brandy comes across a dusty old book, filled with dirty words. When she reads it, she can never quite remember what it's about. The words, though, remain in her head and slowly begin to alter her mind.
The Corruption of Wealth: Cameron's wealthy grandfather has passed away, leaving his estate and his immense wealth to his grandson. Cameron's father, passed over by his sire, isn't happy about it. Everyone else, however, begins to vie for Cameron's affections. Even his female family members.
What Remains: When Karen starts a home cleaning business, her first client is in the old, scary house on the edge of town. The aged shut-in woman in the home, however, doesn't seem to be its only resident. Something else lives in the walls of the ancient estate, and it's something that wants to leave. Karen provides a wonderful opportunity (and a young body) to finally make its escape.
The iFem Chronicles, Book Two
I alluded to this title, which I've been outlining for a while. iFem's brand experts help struggling businesses update their image to something more modern and sexy. Naturally, not all of the employees in those businesses are happy about the new changes. Some of them seem less sexy and a bit too slutty.
iFem, however, has plenty of methods at its disposal to bring reluctant employees into the fold. They might be different people in the end, but, at the end of the day, corporate profits are what matter most.
The Waygate Wanderer
This is another one that I've been poking at in my spare time. I'm really in love with this story, which means it will probably be one of those weird ones that you'll all scratch your heads over. So, once it's complete, I'll be releasing it as a monthly serial story with the option to grab the finished novel on release.
This book tells the story of Dr. Kate Maxin, a brilliant theoretical physicist. Set in the future of The Other Side's DomCo timeline, this mad reality-hopping romp is whacky and dirty in the best ways possible. Lost in the multiverse, Kate encounters unimaginable worlds in her attempt to get home. Unfortunately, each of those worlds is populated by perverse societies.
Aircnd: The Honeymoon
It's been a while since I did an Aircnd entry, but it's a series I want to get back into soon. The next book is already in the works, titled The Honeymoon. While on their honeymoon in a tropical paradise, a young couple books a beachfront condo. When they meet the owner's strange, seductive daughter, it will test their newfound love for one another in ways they never imagined.
DomCo Side Stories & Conclusion
There are a few loose ends to tie up before the end of the series, including Sophie's story and Sasha's. Being side characters, they don't really serve a purpose in the overall timeline. They're more for fun, showing the nefarious, wider happenings around the unfolding DomCo story. I do intend to finish them up before the final novel brings it all together.
The final DomCo book, which is a rough outline at this point, I'm aiming to have out in December. It will also be a big story, as there are a ton of characters involved. I don't want to promise too much, but end of 2023 is what I'm going for to wind this series up.
Cheerloathing is another huge story. I loved it, but there's a lot more in my head that needs to be told. The original plan was to do a follow-up novella that would tell Carrie and Sara's story, after the end of the novel. However, what I've decided on is to release an extended edition, which will add more chapters to the book. These will fill in the time before Diana's family's escape from Shoreside Shoals, as well as the aftermath of Carrie's sacrifice.
If you have purchased this book, you'll receive a download link, as with Second Place Sister, to get the extended edition. Right now, the goal is to have that written and out in early fall.
Edge was one of those odd, unexpected successes. I'm still amazed at how popular that story is, given the sci-fi aspect of it. The world of Edge presents a lot of possibilities. Given that it takes place all over the world, and is online all the time, there are many potential stories to tell. I will be doing another Edge novel with a new cast. I hope to have that available before the DomCo series ends, but since it isn't integral to the main story, it might wait until next year.
Site Design
I've been doing some work on the homepage of the site, and will also be rebuilding the Story Index. As the catalog of stories grows, I want to make sure people can easily find the content that fits with their kinks, and get to their favorites more easily. The recent changes have also decreased the loading time. Over the coming weeks, you'll see those changes going live.
Tori Hamlin on All the Filthy Details
I was recently invited onto the All the Filthy Details podcast to review three erotic novels, alongside a couple of other authors. While it's sort of odd to be well-known enough in the community that people think my opinion has some value, it was a cool experience. If you're interested in checking it out, you can find it here. My portion of it begins at just after 1:37:30 on the timeline.
Thank you!
As always, you all have my sincere appreciation for continuing to visit this weird little corner of the net. Thank you for reading. Thank you for following. Thank you for enjoying the words and the stories. All of the feedback and messages you guys send are amazing. I hope you'll stick around for what's to come, as things will only get better from here.
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0%Molding Mona
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